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 Side Effects of Awakening Kundalini too Quickly
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41 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2012 :  6:03:47 PM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

I feel for you. Perhaps I did a little too much concentration yesterday (reading, driving) and am getting pain again at the top of my head.

So today I am doing a lot of grounding activities (long walks, sitting in the park).

My inner voice tells me that this "injury" can only be healed through meditation at the right pace. This is a lifelong journey, perhaps over many lifetimes as some say.

I did some DM this morning using the mantra in the link Swan provided above, for overly-sensitive Meditators.

Maybe when you feel ready again you can try this one. In the meantime I am relying on faith and trust in this miraculous power that all will work out for the better, in time.

Much love,
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33 Posts

Posted - Apr 30 2012 :  9:23:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Wow seems like you guys are going in a similar process as me, i'm still too early to be giving advices but i will keep my eyes on this thread.

Greets :)
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150 Posts

Posted - May 02 2012 :  1:04:03 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Marcel you do not make me pain by wires and crown stimulating but the memory of it is still stored in different places,presumably subconsciously for you. Can you grab under your shoulder blades? Do you get a painful point there? Rub it softly. You may help by the other hand.

It is a natural process in opening the third eye that the crown is involved also. Later mantra additions open upwards what your wires deviated and hindered.

In the string of Kunlun meditation Hakuins water egg on the head.You may consider softening your pain by it. A more direct way is treating and dissolving such pain directly by seeing it as ice transformed into water. "Ice (pain or wathever) to water" as first part of this Chinese mantra. How it works for you?

You are not hindered by your drug explosions working normal pathes in and at your body as they contain also good results in stillness.
Remarking the own body is important also for later flights in the cosmos.


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41 Posts

Posted - May 02 2012 :  7:05:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

Thanks again for your advice.

No I do not get pain under my shoulder blades and yes rubbing gently there does seem to relieve the pain in my crown.

I do have some trouble visualizing the Chinese Kunlun meditation of seeing ice transform into water over my head. Perhaps I misunderstand, should I literally try placing an ice cube at the top of the crown?

In the meantime I am finding good results with the advanced mantra


as described by Yogani. I do this DM for 20 min in the morning and am finding deep silence and stillness within coupled with pure bliss consciousness without. There is also plenty of kundalini energy to ground by going for long walks, sitting in nature, and eating a heavier diet.

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1578 Posts

Posted - May 03 2012 :  01:45:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Marcel,

I know we are all different with a different landscape of experiences and karma but reading through this thread, it sounds that you are still struggling to find stability in your practices. As you say you are probably the over-sensitive type. It is thus that I feel I should advice you that the long mantra you are using is a very powerful one and one likely to bring you into overload down the line (I would say very soon down the line). Yogani recommends the simple AYAM mantra to be used for a long time (sometimes years)before adding enhancements. Recently, after over 5 years of practice, I moved to this enhancement (3rd one, is it?)and it practically blew me away. I went into serious overload, had to scale back to 5 mins DM with no SB and climb back slowly from there. Months later, I am now back to 10 mins SB + 20 mins DM, but I keep a close eye on it. And I do not consider myself sensitive!!

- Just thought I'd share.


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256 Posts

Posted - May 03 2012 :  02:34:57 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by SeySorciere

the long mantra you are using is a very powerful one and one likely to bring you into overload down the line (I would say very soon down the line). Yogani recommends the simple AYAM mantra to be used for a long time (sometimes years)before adding enhancements.

Dear Sey

This long mantra is suggested for over-sensitive guys for slowing down, but you bring up a higly valid question! this is the third mantra enhancement which is designed to take the practice to fifth gear (lesson 369) while the same is suggested to over-sensitive meditators for slowing down (lesson 367).

I tried to find some answer and found this in the lesson #404:


As it says in Lesson 367, jumping to the third enhancement is not recommended for anyone but the very few who are highly sensitive to the I AM mantra, inclined toward "fast transcending" with a short mantra, and may find stability with a longer mantra. As mentioned, results with this approach have been mixed. Most over-sensitive meditators have had good results with breath meditation, and in time some have migrated back to the I AM mantra with good results also.

Thought I would mention here that I am oversensitive, and I found relief with breath meditation, and came back to I AM later, and have not tried the long mantra (probably due to this confusion in the back of the mind ).

Wondering how the same mantra helps slow-down sensitive people, and speeds up nomal practitioners. If somebody would like to throw some light on this, it will be great

Love ...
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150 Posts

Posted - May 03 2012 :  4:33:57 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
[quote]Originally posted by Marcel


No I do not get pain under my shoulder blades and yes rubbing gently there does seem to relieve the pain in my crown.

<< that I hoped for you as the real brain is the heart not to be forgotten in simple crown opening into the cosmos. So kundalini may also go down from the head in the heart region.

the points you rubbed got stimulated as acupoints and when I do it mentally indeed the crown and third eyes gets relaxed energy going down to the heart center. The points opposite the ones on the back you rubbed you can test also this way if you wish. Frontside is female backside male balancing and connecting at least both if not more happens.


I do have some trouble visualizing the Chinese Kunlun meditation of seeing ice transform into water over my head. Perhaps I misunderstand, should I literally try placing an ice cube at the top of the crown?

I do not know the meaning and content of kunlun egg but get scenery. It may not fit together but is the third stage of it as the string worked out.

My intention is implementing safeguards for your desire towards the cosmos. So you can observe from the heart or even deeper in a sort of grounding the experience you will make.

A further safeguard is intended by softening water on the head against
hardening and perhaps new hard wires

By ice to water you can dissolve them and remedy also painful overload
and to much ekstasy and agitation.

The full water method and meditation is described by lineageholder B. K. Frantzis in opening the energy gates and cd and mp3 with hints to the mantra. Relaxing your skull and removing the stress you experienced would be fine.

The exercise is not really a visualisation consuming to much head energy. Like the third eye you need not to see anything but feeling is sufficient and sign of opening.

The whole body is lastly doing this "visualization" with more power in a more and more relaxed way. Fine that your rubbing did not show pain of obstructed shoulderblades and other parts. So I come also to the defect wires seen beneath. Perhaps not sucessful drilling inner channels.

In the meantime I am finding good results with the advanced mantra


as described by Yogani. I do this DM for 20 min in the morning and am finding deep silence and stillness within coupled with pure bliss consciousness without. There is also plenty of kundalini energy to ground by going for long walks, sitting in nature, and eating a heavier diet.


Excellent. This covers the points described above. Shree obviously the same as tibetan hri or shri let the crown open in a sprinkling fashion over the head.This is similar to the sprinkling of the main yang center in the bai hui I mentioned already. But his many, many lines are feelable in the whole body as a tingling or other remarkable signs of its activity. But shreesprinkles separate from the body into the air obviously preparing leaving the body withaout fearing opening to soon the crown chakra.

Namah is a third safeguard by grounding in the abdomen the processes in the head.


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41 Posts

Posted - May 03 2012 :  5:18:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Sey and Swan

Yes it appears to be contradictory, using the longer mantra gradually for meditators with normal sensitivity, but right away for those with over-sensitivity. It might have something to do with how "obstructions" are packed in the nervous system. Here is what Yogani says in lesson #367 http://www.aypsite.org/367.html

Fast Transcending and Modifying the Mantra
In discussing the under-sensitive meditator in the previous lesson, we mentioned that inner obstructions tend to be "densely packed," thereby slowing down the flow of awareness inward to more silent levels of the mind. In the over-sensitive meditator, the situation seems to be just the opposite, with inner obstructions being "loosely packed," and awareness going inward quickly. We could also call this "fast transcending." It is a two-way street. No sooner does the over-sensitive meditator quickly go in with the mantra, than the awareness comes quickly out again, bringing excessive purification and opening with it. So, while the over-sensitive meditator may have experiences of bliss, ecstasy and rapidly rising bhakti (spiritual desire), there is also the experience of excessive purification. Then self-pacing may be necessary to the point where meditation time becomes very short.

A possible way around this situation is to modify the mantra to facilitate "slower transcending." We cannot suddenly change the nature of the matrix of obstructions in the nervous system we are dealing with. But we can change the vehicle we are using to traverse it, going from the surface of the mind to its silent depths, and back again.

There has been some research done in the AYP community on the third enhancement to the I AM mantra, which is the longest mantra we have in the AYP system. The additional syllables reduce the speed with which awareness moves to more silent levels of the mind. In doing so, a longer mantra creates a wider sweep on the way in and also on the way out. It is less prone to "falling through the cracks" between the loosely packed inner obstructions and thoughts of an over-sensitive meditator.

While working to stabilize our meditation routine, it is suggested to discontinue spinal breathing pranayama and any other energy stimulating practices or activities we may be engaged in.

For those over-sensitive meditators who would like to try slowing down the rate of transcendence, the third enhancement of the AYP mantra is suggested. It is:


This is not a recommendation for everyone to begin skipping through the mantra enhancements willy-nilly. The discussion here is focused on the very specific situation of over-sensitivity to deep meditation. Everyone else will do well to consider taking on the mantra enhancements in order, as instructed in the lessons.

Any other thoughts?

Much love,
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1578 Posts

Posted - May 04 2012 :  01:42:05 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Oh. I did not know that. Thank you. I never read this lesson as I am /was not over or under-sensitive.


Edited by - SeySorciere on May 04 2012 01:46:26 AM
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256 Posts

Posted - May 04 2012 :  08:30:28 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sey! happy for you to hear that

Marcel, thanks for bringing this up. I seem to understand this better this time. One confusion still remains, it slows down and falls behind (analogically) I AM in loosely packed obstructions, but speeds up and outruns I AM within densely packed obstruction.

but I am no expert on this subject, and I think I will just drop the question for now.

Love ...
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150 Posts

Posted - May 04 2012 :  10:37:31 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Om AH Hung (S)hri Om mani peme hung

is the tibetan Padmasambhava mantra touching with om the head with ah the throat chakra opening the body channels and your energyfield to the outside resonate with the heart and hung in the heart.

hri or shri as a meditation leader pronounced returns to above the head. This head of a healer house of Dalai Lama expressly demonstrated and said this sprinkling action over the head.

Many helmets and hair dress especially higher ranking persons Show this sprinkling by the own or adjoined hairs and feathers.

Already Aum has the m representing the body and matter, the more namah.


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1 Posts

Posted - May 11 2012 :  01:25:29 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Read this page.....it should help you understand a lot about the experience u went throught...

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Czech Republic
368 Posts

Posted - May 12 2012 :  1:38:30 PM  Show Profile  Visit mimirom's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Marcel and welcome

I just wanted to let you know that I've been trough experiences with methamphetamine, as this is very popular in my country, and that I can relate to many of the mystic/psychotic experiences you describe. So just that.

Thinking of you and wishing you success in transforming everything into enjoyable and controlled spiritual progress!
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41 Posts

Posted - May 12 2012 :  8:54:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you both so much Karan & Mimirom

The website is great, exactly what I have been looking for

And yes, I am working on controlled spiritual progress and it seems to be going very well so with AYP.

Much love,
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1 Posts

Posted - May 18 2012 :  11:37:38 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Marcel,

I do not want to go into details to everyone that stumbles onto this site. But know you are not crazy. I do want help you by telling you that you were broadcasting thoughts to people around. Know that NO ONE can read your mind! your thoughts are private and what you were doing was putting a thought out which others receive and process in their heads ether consciously or unconsciously... but what they are hearing is their inner voice if anything..generally it is usually silent no voice at all. So if your thinking something and all of a sudden someone around you reacts to something your thinking.. they do not know where that thought is coming from just as long as you don't verbally say right after what you were thinking out loud... . Ever say something and someone responds i was just thinking that.. its sort of like that...i'm afraid i have already said too much.

I don't want you to go on feeling scared and psychotic and afraid to think because everyone is listening to your thoughts. thats why i am writing this. Relax, if you understood more, which I will not teach you,,,more than anything because the gift you stumbled upon can be used for evil. Know that VERY few people have this GIFT. You were born with it and had this before crystal and/or meditation. You do not gain magical powers from a drugs. you just never realized you were special. its so rare!.

I can understand how scary it is...before i understood and learned more about and how to use my gift..I thought something is very crazy here. constantly i would say this is weird... really weird... am i crazy...If i was high on drugs or staring at a candle for 3 days... trust me i would have just said this cant be real I'M high.. i must be gong nuts or its hallucination. PS the TV and commercials have nothing to do with this gift. You may either been really looking for connections because you may have driven yourself a little crazy and paranoid by the things you can do. One possibility is...well read this book: Signs and Wonders : Understanding the Language of God.

Maybe your being guided!

Now most important staying up for days, not eating, or drinking does not help you understand anything, nor does it give you any special powers. nor does staying indoors and staring at candles. That will drive anyone nuts on drugs or not. If anything it will do the opposite and you cant distinguish what is real and what is not. you can not think clearly, know whats right whats wrong and especially if your crazy or not.

I'm not sure how you feel religiously or spiritually but some might wonder that if you need a drug like crystal meth to have these special power.. some might think it is an evil force.

if you get anything from me beating around the bush a few times... just know you are not crazy and their are other people like you that have special gifts. and when people do have these gifts we do not talk about it to anyone, simply because they would not understand. you were born with this gift...be happy about it calm down and learn how you can use it to better yourself and only use it with good positive energy not neg and evil. I really wish i could tell you more, but I just do not know you.

PS there is nothing wrong with being on psych medication once you understand yourself..I know a lot about this as well. tell your doctor you want to try Abilify. between that and learning about your gift...I bet you will be able to see much more clearly, be calm, not feel crazy and eventually happy you have this gift.

OH and a piece of advice... do not tell your doctors you have special powers or a magical gift of some sort.

PS ALL the meditation and drugs in the world wouldn't get you the gift you sound to have. its something your born with



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41 Posts

Posted - May 21 2012 :  03:21:20 AM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Chris,

Thank you for your concern and message. Your advice is very reassuring. Over the years I have grown more comfortable with this "sensitivity" I have when it occurs. Regardless if it is some kind of "psychosis" or psychic gift, I find it to be very therapeutic and healing on an inner psyche level. In some sense I get the impression that it heals karma from this life and previous ones. As I have mentioned, my AYP activities seem to be purifying and opening the nervous system slowly and systematically instead of chaotically. I am very thankful for Yogani for sharing these lessons and to all here on the forum who are sharing their love and wisdom.

Much love,
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1 Posts

Posted - Nov 20 2012 :  01:04:38 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Marcel,

I read your post from 2011 and was wondering how you are and if you found help? Reading your post touched my heart and would like to help you :) please email me.
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Posted - Dec 19 2012 :  09:16:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
It's incredible that I found people ho are oversensitive like me and expirience the same things.So here's my story.

I guess the awakening of my Kundalini happened when I tried lucid dreaming.For me it happened real quick. I read that with a special technique you can start lucid dreaming maybe after 2-3 days , for me it happened the moment I felt asleep.Since then I've had really bad troubles sleeping-I would experience visualization of beautiful landscapes, OBE , or beautiful music.There was also one experience when I had no perceptions-it was like I knew I was in my room but didn't feel that way or hear anything and then there was this really loud noise and I "woke up".It was really amazing ,like I was hearing and seeing for the first time.Some of these expiriences can be really incredible but mostly I'm nervous and most of them can be pretty scary if you don't practice (like me).The only way I fall asleep is if I drink 3-4 beers.

I think these things happen for a reason.My whole life I stuffed a lot of negative thoughts and a way to look at life,that's why Buddhism made me think about my hole life and my "true self".The only things that made me feel human and normal were helping others,but most part of my life I was and still am being a prisoner of my ego hurting most people or being distant from them.So I think that if you want to solve your problems and find who you truly are is integrating the values that Buddhism or some other philosophy preaches.If you meditate but don't believe in those things and just meditate for no reason I guess it's just going to be a waste of time.

Oversensitive people like us are empaths and the worst thing that could happen to you is to become a prisoner of your ego and identify with it.

I'm going to start meditating because I guess the reason why this is happening to me is that I awakened this energy and now I'm neglecting that fact and live the same way.
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Posted - Feb 09 2013 :  1:16:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All .I am from Bulgaria .I have Kundulini sindrome from 1year and 5 months .I was take magic mashrums and meditation with yoga .I am still not stabilized.I cant sleep I cant eat strong depression every day I fight for my life kundulini kill me from inside .I cant concentrate .I cant make sex because I have a problem with my prostate and urinate system i live in hell every day of my life .I have only negative thinking and despair.
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United Kingdom
26 Posts

Posted - Feb 27 2013 :  4:18:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit KundaliniTherapist's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Marcel
I may be a bit late in replying but hopefully this post still finds you.

I want to explain to you why you do not have an ordinary mental disease even though you have been given this diagnosis. I am a kundalini therapist and have worked with these conditions on various occasions.

You have all the signs of what is called 'kundalini psychosis' in contrast to 'normal psychosis' (sorry, they are both horrible names but kundalini psychosis is a lot 'better' as I will explain below)

The signs are
- you know exactly when your psychosis started and that is was triggered by excessive spiritual practice
- you maintained (or regained shortly afterwards) a healthy part of your personality that knew that something was wrong (people in 'normal psychosis' do not have this awareness; they are entirely eaten up by their psychotic thoughts)
- you can talk about your experiences and you do want to talk about it (people with normal mental illness rarely want to do this)

The good news is that the prognosis for recovery from kundalini psychosis is much much higher than from ordinary psychosis.

Some people argue (and I would agree) that the term psychosis is misleading as it really is another problem than ordinary mental illness.

I have worked with quite a few people suffering from these symptoms and I can confirm that people recover much faster if they know what is going on with them and that they are not suffering from ordinary mental illness.

This is the reason I am writing this and hope that it will bring you comfort and courage and also to everybody else who is suffering from these distressing symptoms.

Tara Springett - Buddhist teacher and kundalini therapist

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41 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2023 :  09:33:33 AM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Tara,

It's so good to find you, after over 10 years! Thanks for your feedback - it's reassuring and I'm sure it'll help many others out there as well. For anyone else interested in Tara's work, check out the link to her website on her profile page.

Much love,
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41 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2023 :  10:26:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi WarriorOfGod,

If you're still around and for anyone who is still interested in an update, here we go:

So, I've been stable on psych meds (an antipsychotic and mood stabilizers) since 2011. Even though my diagnosis may not be totally accurate - schizoaffective disorder (schizophrenia coupled with bipolar disorder) - I do need the meds to function normally. Perhaps my body is hooked on them by now; every time I've gone off them since 2002 I've had some kind of relapse of psychosis, depression, or mania.

I still have side-effects from the meds, including concentration difficulties, higher blood-sugar and cholesterol levels, among other things. Nevertheless, I've been able to lead a relatively normal life, for the most part, over the last decade.

I've continued my spiritual search, reading and studying other teachers including Osho, Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Adyashanti, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Nisaragdatta Maharaj, and Sadhguru, among others.

I've also self-published three books: Living Thoughts: Glimpses into the Altered Reality of Schizophrenia, Mystical Musings: Poetry, Insights and other Writings, and Presence Power: Insights from the Depths of Being. They can be found on Amazon and other online booksellers under my name, Marcel Armstrong. Quite a few people have found them helpful.

Here's a link to my author page:


Otherwise, I have a new post on this forum regarding a possible Kundalini overload from AYP and DM. That can be found here:


Many thanks and much love,

Edited by - Marcel on Jun 24 2023 10:20:52 PM
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2312 Posts

Posted - Jun 25 2023 :  05:24:41 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello again Marcel, I wished I read this thread, before answering the other one. You have certainly had “a long strange trip”. Good for you for fostering your creativity, and hopefully you are in a better place. I do still think you should still hold off much inner work and ground ground ground. And when you realize stability, then go very slowly forward, no extended mantras, or add-on practices, just minutes of SBP and DM.

It probably would not hurt to inquire of yourself, in any given moment of your day, “where is the silence here?” and then be there. It is training your body memory to gravitate towards silence. Your body has a problem with energy, but your well of silence is bottomless, if you are open enough, and quiet enough.

Take good care. This is our charge while we are here
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41 Posts

Posted - Jun 25 2023 :  07:20:25 AM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello Dogboy,

Thanks again for your insight and advice. Yes, it has been "a long strange trip". Thankful for you and everyone here.

All the best
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41 Posts

Posted - Jun 27 2023 :  1:21:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Marcel's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hello All,

I'm reading "Healing Kundalini Symptoms: Proven Techniques That Really Work" by Tara Springett and wanted to share these quotes with you.

"When the painful, frightening and confusing symptoms predominate we speak of the so-called kundalini syndrome. One should bear in mind, however, that kundalini syndrome is not a mental illness or neurosis but is still fundamentally an expansion of consciousness, which is always a higher development even if it is very challenging at times. It is mainly the lack of information that can lead people to confuse it with various mental disorders and thus create even more fear than necessary.

Kundalini syndrome can be confused with the following diseases and disorders: drug psychosis, burn-out, conversion syndrome, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, various personality disorders and psychotic illness. The most important difference between these mental problems and kundalini syndrome is the active desire for spirituality and health, which are central for someone with a kundalini awakening but tends to decrease with the other disorders.

Unfortunately, mental issues can occur simultaneously with kundalini syndrome and for this reason, it can be difficult to draw a clear line between these states. However, I would like reassure my readers already now that, in my opinion, a psychosis through a kundalini awakening only happens very rarely and only if a person has a disposition for such an illness....

During a drug psychosis, people can experience symptoms similar to a kundalini awakening such as intensified sensitivity, increased emotion (usually fear) and paranormal experiences (usually paranoia and strong confusion). Less likely are energy movements in the body.

Thankfully, a drug psychosis usually resolves all by itself but it may take many months. I have had quite a number of clients who had a kundalini awakening and a drug psychosis simultaneously. The treatment is the same as for the pure kundalini syndrome but one should expect a longer duration of treatment. It is also more difficult to experience positive results with higher-consciousness healing because we are dealing with chemicals in the body and not only with one’s mind....

Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disorder):

This disorder is a mental illness in which phases of mania or elation and depression alternate. To warrant such a diagnosis, there must be a serious impairment of functioning in a person`s life - intense feelings of bliss and sadness alone are not a basis for a diagnosis. In a real mania, those affected sometimes accrue high debts through reckless financial decisions and excessive shopping, put themselves at risk through dangerous sexual actions, behave inappropriately in public and may even lose their job or life partner through their irresponsible behaviours.

It is possible to confuse the mania of bipolar disorder with the euphoria and bliss that becomes more intense during the kundalini process. On closer examination, however, it quickly becomes clear that these two states of mind are very different. The mania in bipolar disorder is basically a feeling of restless drivenness in which a person often feels quite irritable and which often leads to irresponsible actions like unrestrained shopping or other risky behaviours. The high spirits in the kundalini process, however, are a form of real bliss, completely free of any form of striving. They are sustained orgasmic feelings in every part of the body accompanied by a feeling of being united with the divine and these states often produce profound spiritual insights. Moreover, these experiences continue to inspire the person even when the joy has subsided whereas, after a mania, people usually feel profound regret and depression.

Sometimes people with bipolar disorder can also experience elated moods but the difference from a kundalini awakening is the fact that people going through the latter always know how to behave like a "normal person". They would not do the inappropriate things a manic person may do such as undressing in public or embarking on a mad shopping frenzy, which they would regret at a later stage.

I had several clients who had a bipolar diagnosis and experienced a kundalini awakening at the same time. Here is the best course of action to strengthen people’s insight into their illness: learn to notice the early warning signs (for example, the decreased need for sleep and food) and surround yourself with people who can help before you completely lose control. Depending on the severity of the condition, medication can sometimes be unavoidable." (pgs. 34-38)

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So, all in all, it appears - given this information - that I have had all 3 cases over the years: a kundalini awakening coupled with a drug psychosis initially followed by authentic bipolar disorder sometime afterwards.

Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read this and for your interest in this unique case-study

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