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 Practicing tantric method solo vs. with a partner
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Posted - Oct 08 2019 :  2:46:23 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Would practicing the tantric hold back method by yourself rob you of the experience you would have of growing with somebody if you had had a partner?

I wouldn't want to practice Self-Cultivation if it meant that it would take away the experience that you would have at becoming better not just by yourself but with a partner.

I feel that with this practice, we can better ourselves but in doing so would leave our partner or future partner behind while you become stronger for yourself.

For me, as a man, sure I would be able to last longer during intercourse or lovemaking but then your partner wouldnt be as far as you are because you've already done a lot of practice on your own. Wouldn't this rob the experience of practicing, cultivating, and becoming stronger with someone else? Sure you can last longer and even please a woman better because you can last longer, but is it not better to start from square one with somebody that has also started from square one? Even if that means your love making or sessions are not as long to begin with?

This is the only question I have that's holding me back from continuing to practice on my own or waiting so I can practice alongside with a partner. Any thoughts and helpful advice would be very appreciated

Edited by - sebeast55 on Oct 08 2019 2:49:30 PM


United Kingdom
1734 Posts

Posted - Oct 09 2019 :  5:55:27 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi sebeast55

Welcome to AYP!
Originally posted by sebeast55
Would practicing the tantric hold back method by yourself rob you of the experience you would have of growing with somebody if you had had a partner?

The fruits of your practice you can share, and you will share with others. But there is no "growing with somebody". Like an athlete who hones his muscles and his fitness, yoga is about working on yourself. "Tie two birds together, and even though they have four wings..."
Originally posted by sebeast55
we can better ourselves but in doing so would leave our partner or future partner behind while you become stronger for yourself.

As you grow in yoga, you will become better at tuning yourself into your partner's needs. And as you become less needy yourself, you will be in a better position to attend to the needs of others.

Enjoy your practice

Edited by - BlueRaincoat on Oct 10 2019 01:08:53 AM
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15 Posts

Posted - Oct 10 2019 :  7:38:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for answering my question. I am still iffy about continuing practice because I think my dopamine receptors have been affected because I use external stimuli like videos to help with the arousal. Do you have any suggestions for healing dopamine receptors if I decide to continue using the hold back method? I feel like since it affects my dopamine receptors a lot it affects my daily living as well and I'm not sure what I should do. Sorry if this question is unrelated to yoga in anyway

Edited by - sebeast55 on Oct 10 2019 9:07:04 PM
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1625 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2019 :  03:53:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit Charliedog's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi sebeast55,

welcome to AYP!

I feel like since it affects my dopamine receptors a lot it affects my daily living as well and I'm not sure what I should do.

Do you have a regular yoga practice?

Keep in mind that practicing tantric sexual methods alone without meditation and other sitting practices in the daily routine will yield limited results and will not be an effective spiritual path.
It all starts with the cultivating of inner silence by meditation

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15 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2019 :  10:35:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I meditate almost everyday as a morning routine for about 30 minutes and I'm trying to incorporate regular yoga practices every day also. Right now I only have time for 2 times a week for yoga but I want to get to the point where I can do it 5 times a week. I'm very stretched out from yoga and meditation has grounded me pretty well. Recently I used the hold back method but I decided to go for an extended period and go further than I wanted to. I would say I released some of my vital life fluids but not much to drastically affect my overall well-being hopefully. I feel like abstaining from sexual practices for 200+ days was enough for my body to heal and strengthen itself so I hope my body can heal itself a lot more quickly from the release of my vital fluids or semen.

I'm very scared of this process because I realize whenever I ejaculate I am not as strong, energetic, or even vibrational out in the real world and I'd like to keep my energy and not only cultivate it but increase it every day becoming a stronger person, if that makes any sense. I wish to improve on myself not only through meditation and yogic practices but to make sure I don't expend my vital life force and vital fluid. I feel it is very important to have that vitality as a person to become the person that you want to be and I hope I continue to try to not expend my semen or vital fluids anymore. I am currently participating in NoFap which I think a huge part of it is about Semen Retention but I also am going to not watch pornography, masturbate, or orgasm. I think retaining my semen and continuing mediation and doing yoga will make me become stronger and improve which is what I am striving for. I am going to continue doing NoFap so I don't think I will be trying the hold back method anymore. I will probably continue practicing once I find a partner but for now I just want to abstain from it. Thank you guys for your help
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United Kingdom
1734 Posts

Posted - Oct 11 2019 :  11:29:46 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Going from one extreme to the other will not help.

Charliedog was right to advise you to put meditation at the forefront of your practice. It could take years of daily meditation practice before you are ready for sexual energy cultivation, whether it's abstinence, the hold back method or any other form. Doing it the wrong way round carries serious risks. Be careful.
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Posted - Oct 12 2019 :  11:17:48 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you for your concern. I have been meditating for a couple months now and it has been helping me a lot. I use to have crazy jumbled thoughts in my head but meditation has calmed it down a bit.

I have one more question unrelated to the hold back method or meditation, it has to do with semen retention. I guess this question applies to the hold back method also. When I use the hold back method and keep myself from ejaculating I realized that it is possible that the semen ends up in my bladder. I tried ejaculating afterwards and very little semen came out when I was expecting a little more than what had came out. Could this mean that the semen went into the bladder? Also if the semen goes into the bladder, does it get reabsorbed into the blood stream, or does it get peed out? I've also read that it helps in the creation of amrita but I am not sure how that process works with the semen going into your bladder.

Edited by - sebeast55 on Oct 13 2019 12:19:47 AM
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4546 Posts

Posted - Oct 13 2019 :  09:29:07 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sebeast55,

Welcome to the forums.

Yes, when using the hold back method, or using the blocking technique, semen and sexual essences (prana) can be drawn up into the bladder. From the bladder it will either be evacuated the next time you urinate, or it will be re-absorbed into the body.

With the production of amrita, prana from the semen is taken higher up into the body, mixing with other forms of prana in the manipura chakra. This produces soma. Soma rises up into the head and is transformed into amrita. So there is a strong connection between brahmacharya (the preservation and cultivation of sexual energy) and the production of amrita. Kundalini also plays a strong part in the process, providing the rising current of energy.

See these lessons for more on this process:

Lesson 304 - Diet, Kundalini, and the Nectar Cycle

Lesson 133 - Nectar

Lesson T60 - Natural Vajroli and Whole Body Ecstasy

And this commentary:

The nectar cycle

And this podcast:

What is amrita?


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15 Posts

Posted - Oct 13 2019 :  3:11:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I also had a question about the Semen Retention part of the method. I thought when I hold back my ejaculation, the semen is retained or can be retained. I tried holding it back and thought I retained my semen. After that, another time I had decided to release my semen but to my surprise there was very little semen that was released. I was expecting a lot more but it seems that it wasn't retained from doing the hold back method. I think it went into my bladder. I went to go pee afterwards and didn't see any signs of retrograde Ejaculation in my pee. Would this mean that the semen got absorbed or broken down in my bladder instead of getting pee'd out?

Edited by - sebeast55 on Oct 13 2019 4:29:52 PM
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United Kingdom
4546 Posts

Posted - Oct 13 2019 :  4:52:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sebeast55,

Yes, the hold back method, practiced by males, can lead to sexual fluids being retained in the testes, or to sexual fluids moving up into the bladder, or both. And from the bladder, they can then be released during urination, or absorbed, or both.

What actually happens depends a great deal on the state of purification of the chakras and nadis and on the power of the upward current of kundalini.

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