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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 Pingala to Sushumna
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32 Posts

Posted - Jun 11 2012 :  08:30:06 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Is there any way to shift the flow from Pingala to Sushumna ?

I've read the AYP pages on this issue and Yogani Ji seems to say that it tends to balance itself automatically after some time.

Although I'm not practicing anything since last 6 months, I still get heat in some parts like forehead, lower back and throat regions spontaneously. If I do simple meditation like quieting the mind, I get heat plus pin pricks (paining nerves). After some reading (e.g. Gopi Krishna), it seems that the Pingala is overactive.

Alternate nostril breathing was a part of the practice I used to follow before overload, so I know it doesn't help in my case. I'll be very grateful if you can suggest some way to shift the flow to central channel. Thank you.


United Kingdom
382 Posts

Posted - Jun 11 2012 :  09:48:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sanjeev

The only thing that I can suggest is to do some Spinal Breathing for 5-10 mins.

With Spinal Breathing you are directing the energy up and down the Sushumna. Ida and Pingala are not focused upon, but will be purified as a result.

This lesson explains Spinal Breathing: http://www.aypsite.org/41.html

This one, Deep Meditation: http://www.aypsite.org/13.html

and finally(!) this lesson will tell you about coping with an overload: http://www.aypsite.org/69.html
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Jun 13 2012 :  08:39:01 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
And remember to try to feel the coolness in the energy while inhaling and going up throgh sushuma and in the throat (also while inhaling).
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32 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2012 :  09:29:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks Woosa and WillPower for the tips.

So do you recommended to restart the practices ? So far my experience is that doing any sort of practice results in overload and I have to stop it immediately. Perhaps I should do it every other day.

I suspect somehow my system prefers Pingala out of the 3 and activates it alone. I can be completely wrong in this self-diagnosis and the heat and pain can be due to heavy blockages instead, but I wish to rule out the flow in Pingala case. I want to ensure that the flow goes in central channel. I'm not sure how to do it.
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Will Power

415 Posts

Posted - Jun 14 2012 :  4:22:01 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I don't know. Normally AYP recommends to stop practices and grounding methods. Many people's overloads went away in this way. Perhaps you may want to try Spinal Breathing and see how it goes. Gopi Krishna followed his intuition and tried to rise the energy through Ida, and when his kundalini went up that way, he healed. That's a form of spinal breathing that he came up with, but I think is more balancing also to bring the energy down whhile exhaling.
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32 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2012 :  06:04:10 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Started the DM and SB every alternate days. Not sure about the heat but I still get pin pricks and shocks in the soles of both feet. (Especially at bed time).

Another thing I noticed is I was having automatic Ujjai (mostly while sitting quietly or reading spiritual stuff) and didn't know it. Never paid attention because it feel like a deep sigh. I came to know that this is a kind of pranayama just yesterday. :)

I realized this might be a kriya. Another kriya that I'm having often is that while eating my left hand (if free, not holding a spoon etc) goes below rib cage and grabs the soft area below it. I remain mostly unaware of this, because if I become aware I remove the hand from that odd position. It happens only during eating.

I'm very sure it appeared recently and I didn't have any such habit of placing the hand below rib cage while eating. Does anyone have any idea about its significance ?
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2523 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2012 :  07:00:49 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
for how long are you dong DM and SB in your every other days sessions?
the pin pricks and shocks in the feet are signs of too much energy trying to find its way through blockages ie it is overload
how do you feel in daily life? are you irritated? sad? tired?
i would suggest stop reading any spiritual stuff for now...and go walk in nature
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32 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2012 :  09:07:26 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

I just started it, 1 week ago, on above advice.
If you remember my last years post here, I had overload that time.

Now the overload is not much, but there is still friction. I feel generally ok and fit. I was wondering about the pingala issue, any comments ?.
After about one year of doing nothing, I feel I'm wasting my time. Although I'm living an extremely simple life away from city and following the yama-niyamas and all that strictly, I cannot just sit without doing anything it seems :D
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United Kingdom
4546 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2012 :  09:18:05 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Sanjeev,

I am aware that Gopi Krishna correlated the experience of heat and so forth with the over-activity of the pingala nadi, but in most cases, it isn't related. The action of the flow of prana through the nervous system as a whole can produce the experience of heat. So looking for a solution regarding the pingala nadi could well be a red herring. Gopi Krishna thought that he went through a pingala nadi kundalini awakening and that that was the cause of his problems, whereas in fact if you read his autobiography he clearly describes a brahma nadi kundalini awakening caused by a premature crown chakra opening.

In your case, if you are experiencing over-sensitivity to practices, check out this lesson:


It gives advice on what steps to take if you are over-sensitive to the core AYP practices.

All the best

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32 Posts

Posted - Jun 24 2012 :  11:31:51 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Christi,

Thanks for the link. It is very useful. Breath meditation seems to be a good option.
I'm still in a process of finding out if core AYP will cause trouble for me. It will take a month or so for overload to appear, if it does appear. If it causes trouble I will surely switch to breath meditation and give up SB totally. SB is very strong indeed.

I'm also trying to find out if its a case premature awakening or pingala awakening or just over sensitivity to spiritual practices. It can be all of them or none of them. I currently have no way of knowing whats actually happening and experimentation is the only option. Another option which many have suggested is not to do anything and let it be.

I've read Gopi and it could have been crown opening for him, as you say. He did mention that he suspected pingala and managed to redirect the flow to ida (instantly !) by focusing on it, and he was instantly in bliss instead of pain. Its a special case. I'm not in that stage that I can see the nadis and manipulate them, I can't see the head or tail of things at this time. There are no visions, no lights, no nadis..... just tactile sensations ranging from pleasurable tickling to intense pin pricks.
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