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 Ignore sound/vibration on the right ear?
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Posted - Oct 28 2007 :  10:58:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit rkishan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
As soon as I sit for meditation, within a minute (or few seconds), I start hearing this sound (more like vibration, rhythmic) on my right ear. Only on the right ear. This has been happening for couple of months now. I thought it must be the omkar. But after reading some posts on AYP forum, I am not sure if this is omkar or tinnitus.

This sound/vibration stops as soon as I stop meditating and lie down. I never hear the sound at other times during the day. I do not hear it during the pranayama. Initially it was disturbing during meditation. But I have gotten used to it now. It does not bother me much. I am not describing the sound very well here. It feels like some vibration. Like a pulse maybe (not sure), but not as fast as a pulse, rhythmic and keeps continuing until I get up from meditation. It stops as soon as I lie down as I have mentioned.

If some one can throw some light whether this is Tinnitus or omkar that would help me.

Also I realized if I just concentrate on this rhythmic sound/vibration during the meditation, I go deeper than if I just stay with the mantra. So my next question is, should I ignore this sound/vibration on my right ear and come back to the mantra or stay with the sound and go deeper?

Edited by - rkishan on Oct 29 2007 3:03:46 PM


United Kingdom
857 Posts

Posted - Oct 28 2007 :  1:44:09 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi rkishan sounds like you are doing really well

Also I realized if I just concentrate on this rhythmic sound/vibration during the meditation, I go deeper that if I just stay with the mantra. So my next question is, should I ignore this sound/vibration on my right ear and come back to the mantra or stay with the sound and go deeper?

It is definitely not tinnitus not in the medical sense anyway thats a high pitched ringing or whistling sound. Its quite normal to experience lots of strange sounds and vibrations during meditation usually due to Kundalini symptoms energy movements and purification.

Yogani says
can also be a varied assortment of goose bumps, occasional shivers, sexual arousal, inner buzzing and humming sounds, hot pinpricks, slight headaches, and other weird sensations. All of this stuff settles down in time. To the extent any of it remains, it is overshadowed by the experience of pure bliss consciousness and divine ecstasy coming from inside. You will find things like these in a normal kundalini awakening. All of them are symptoms of
obstructions coming out, making way for a new life in unending

Have a look at this lesson http://www.aypsite.org/69.html

In my opinion FWIW you should treat it just the same as any other distraction during meditation and just come gently back to the mantra if it gets too distracting try cutting back on practices a bit always remember to Self Pace.

Hope this helps

Edited by - Richard on Oct 28 2007 3:10:13 PM
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102 Posts

Posted - Oct 29 2007 :  3:04:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit rkishan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thanks Richard! That was really helpful.
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United Kingdom
857 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2007 :  07:08:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Your very welcome rkishan glad to be of help.

That's what we are here for..to help each other
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102 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2007 :  10:20:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit rkishan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Strange thing. After I made this post (from yesterday), I am hearing this sound/vibration when I am not meditating, like in pranayama (not all the time!) and also when I sit on a quite environment where there are not any external noises. But during these times it is intermittent.

I also noticed that sometimes the rhythm is faster, almost like a pulse. I am just wondering if this is the sound/vibration of a pulse from some nerve inside my ear/head.

Edited by - rkishan on Oct 30 2007 11:54:28 PM
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3615 Posts

Posted - Oct 30 2007 :  10:48:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I think it is more likely kundalini energy. I have tinnitus and also hear that sound sometimes, and it is completely different, and I have come to the conclusion that it is prana/ kundalini.
I often hear it when I awake, and I was afraid I might have a racing heartbeat or irregular heartbeat. So when it was happening I felt my pulse, which was quite normal.
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71 Posts

Posted - Nov 04 2007 :  3:59:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit tallis's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi rkishan,
Thanks, first, for your welcoming reply to my first post . I agree that this unlikely to be tinnitus in the traditional sense. While tinnitus is usually defined as noise which originates 'inside the body' - and this clearly applies to you - I think in medical terms the implication here is either for nerve damage or physical obstructions in the ear which cause ghost sounds. Most sufferers of tinnitus experience either constant noise of some kind or intermittent noise contingent on external auditory stimuli. That your experience is so closely linked to meditation (and even to the duration of your sitting practices)suggests that meditation itself is the cause.

Can you describe the sound you hear more precisely? Do the vibrations have a pitch or are they just rhythmic? I ask because I too experience vibrations (non-pitched), although in my case usually in the heart centre. They feel like the constant background vibrations of a car idling its engine. Or perhaps the vibrations if you roll your tongue to form a very long letter 'r' as they might in some languages. Like you I also experience this while in a quiet environment - usually at night in bed. It lasts for several minutes, or as long as I concentrate on the sensation.

Etherfish: if in your case you've come to the conclusion that it's prana/kundalini, can you distinguish between which one of them it is (ie prana or kundalini)? Do you think this is relevant also to vibrations in the heart centre?
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2072 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2007 :  10:03:59 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
A remarkable thing happened the other day. There was some high pitch sounds in the right ear, and it was recognized as an overload symptom of kundalini energy. Was lying in the bed on the right side, was not really disturbed by its existence but more curious about it, accepted it, and then just an impulse popped up - 'let the ear open up'. Ear opened, sound poured out from the ear back to Mother Earth and disappeared. It came again when I focused on the thought "Oh no, I hope I wont get an overload - is the sound coming back?" Same procedure of acceptance ended it again.
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102 Posts

Posted - Nov 10 2007 :  6:19:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit rkishan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by tallis

Hi rkishan,

Thanks, first, for your welcoming reply to my first post . I agree that this unlikely to be tinnitus in the traditional sense. While tinnitus is usually defined as noise which originates 'inside the body' - and this clearly applies to you - I think in medical terms the implication here is either for nerve damage or physical obstructions in the ear which cause ghost sounds. Most sufferers of tinnitus experience either constant noise of some kind or intermittent noise contingent on external auditory stimuli. That your experience is so closely linked to meditation (and even to the duration of your sitting practices)suggests that meditation itself is the cause.

Can you describe the sound you hear more precisely? Do the vibrations have a pitch or are they just rhythmic?
Can you describe the sound you hear more precisely? Do the vibrations have a pitch or are they just rhythmic?


You are welcome! I am happy to welcome you to the forum!

I am not very good at describing these sounds. Let me make an attempt. I think there is a pitch & rhythm to the vibration. The pitch is not very loud/hard.

As I said some times the vibration feels just like a pulse. Other times the rhythm is more slow and even. Its like Vrooom, Vrooom, Vrooom .... or sometimes Sshhhhhhh, Sshhhhhh, Sshhhhh.... something like that. It keeps on continuing. Its like after I sit on meditation, some one turns a switch on and it starts. It doesn't start low and get loud. From the beginning the sound or the vibration is the same.

When I meditate and if there is a plane flying above my house (normally I wouldn't even hear these minor sounds, I live about 15-20 miles from an airport. During mediation I am aware of these minor sounds), this vibration/sound stops until the sound of the plane fades away and then, it is like some one switched it on again. It continues, until I lie down after meditation.


Edited by - rkishan on Nov 10 2007 7:23:49 PM
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71 Posts

Posted - Nov 14 2007 :  06:03:34 AM  Show Profile  Visit tallis's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Have you seen the Bewell's post about a forum survey? Maybe something like that would help you/us all to compare experiences - that is, if someone with a more similar experience than mine doesn't step in. Because I don't think I can help. I do get sounds in my ears, (one ear at a time), but they're short-lived and just one-off. They have a definite pitch (often different each time), and fade in and out over a number of seconds. But that is very different from what you describe.

One thing perhaps comes to mind:
Rkishan wrote:
As I said some times the vibration feels just like a pulse. Other times the rhythm is more slow and even. Its like Vrooom, Vrooom, Vrooom .... or sometimes Sshhhhhhh, Sshhhhhh, Sshhhhh.... something like that. It keeps on continuing.

I feel pulsations in my chest (inaudible), above and beyond the vibration I mentioned earlier (Nov. 4). If the frequency were similar, could their energy source be related? Mine are about twice as slow as a heartbeat, once every 2+ seconds.
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102 Posts

Posted - Nov 16 2007 :  1:42:59 PM  Show Profile  Visit rkishan's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I am pretty sure now that it is a sound of pulse probably a nerve. Does that change anything. If it is a pulse, does it mean it is tinnitus?
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