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 How does a person change after Kechari?
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Posted - Apr 18 2023 :  5:45:54 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I was wondering in what ways a person change after practicing Kechari mudra.
Yogani writes that serious change will happen. Not after a few days but certainly after a while…
What’s your view on this?


160 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  12:08:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I am also asking this thinking it may mean that the whole process of moving from stage 1 trough 4 is a big change.

I am not clear on if Yogani means the first stage or the later ones in this following paragraph in the Kechari lesson https://www.aypsite.org/108.html

Not many people on earth today have made this important transition in yoga. However, it is likely that the number of people entering kechari will increase dramatically in the coming years. As this happens, it will be a giant leap forward for humankind, for it will mark humanity's shift to a predominantly spiritual mode of functioning of the nervous system. This will bring with it the many benefits of rising enlightenment spreading out through our modern society. Kechari is that significant, that powerful, and that indicative of where the human race is heading. Only a few yogis and yoginis in kechari can have a huge effect on the spiritual energies in everyone. They radiate energy that quickens the rise of the enlightenment process in all...
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2312 Posts

Posted - Apr 19 2023 :  03:23:45 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I am blessed with Ketchari (stage “beyond 2”; I can feel the cartilage at the nasal hole of my skull with the tip of my tongue) and use it almost exclusively in DM. Basically the action amplifies whatever sensations that are present, and in deep samadhi the tongue flickers about in automatic ways. The desire for Ketchari 2 is a worthwhile pursuit for any Bhakti-fueled yogi looking for higher ground.

The important, and personal, thing to take away from Yogani’s description in that passage, Wil, is Radiance. As our bodies realize the ecstatic potential, it is super important to practice surrendering on a continuous basis. We feel the action in the maturity of our yoga practices in general, and Samyama in particular. The more yogis who realize conductivity and radiate the fruits of their discipline over time, to those in our circles of influence, the better the potential love-based future our species can know. We are not our negative thoughts, fears, and actions. We are radiant light beyond this prison of our Earthbound flesh.

Edited by - Dogboy on Apr 19 2023 03:26:42 AM
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160 Posts

Posted - Apr 23 2023 :  10:47:46 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Dogboy

The important, and personal, thing to take away from Yogani’s description in that passage, Wil, is Radiance. As our bodies realize the ecstatic potential, it is super important to practice surrendering on a continuous basis. We feel the action in the maturity of our yoga practices in general, and Samyama in particular. The more yogis who realize conductivity and radiate the fruits of their discipline over time, to those in our circles of influence, the better the potential love-based future our species can know. We are not our negative thoughts, fears, and actions. We are radiant light beyond this prison of our Earthbound flesh.

Great comment. Radiance in it self is one of my largest 'goals on this earth. To cultivate it and share the love, inner silence, shiva-shaktipat or whatever one can call it seems to be the greatest there is. I can not see behind the corner but Radiance seems like the best fruit to me. I think I'd be a successful philanthropist of love.
Btw, it would be cool if any AYP'er told me they were able to transmit the so-called shaktipat...some of you guys are suspected :)
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