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 Kundalini Issues Not Related to the AYP System
 Kundalini Rash
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23 Posts

Posted - Mar 24 2022 :  7:29:50 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hi all,

My SBP/meditation practice has been stable for a while. My practice favors inner silence over energetic practices (minimal SBP - only ~5 cycles). I do not plan to add any additional advanced practices to this anytime soon.

Given this background, I was surprised to find a rash running down the middle from throat pit to the end of the sternum last weekend. At first, I thought it was a skin rash from something (yet I haven't been out and about to touch anything like poison ivy). Cortisone seems to be helping to calm it down. I also have kind of some pain in the neck and some unusual stiffness in the back of the neck that's been lingering for a few days (again for no apparent reason I could think of). Only after noticing these additional symptoms, I suspect the rash might be related to kundalini after all.

I searched thru this forum to find that Kundalini rashes typically appear symmetrical on both sides of the body. I found this post and intend to follow the guidelines to alleviate the symptoms:

How I Fixed My Kundalini Rash

Please share any additional suggestions that would help with the symptoms.


United Kingdom
1734 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2022 :  12:55:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hello firststep

According to some of your previous posts, you were, at some point, practicing a combination of AYP and Kundalini Yoga, including placing attention at the crown.

Please describe more specifically the practices you've been doing in recent months. When you say meditation, is it the AYP deep meditation as described in Lesson 13? I assume that by SPB, you mean the practice described in the AYP Lesson 41, is that right?

Have you been doing anything else that might have stimulated kundalini, during your sitting practices or outside them?
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23 Posts

Posted - Mar 26 2022 :  4:57:37 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hi BRC,

I should have clarified more about my consistent practice. SBP is the same as given in AYP tracing from the root to brow and back. My meditation practice is predominantly Kundalini Chakra (non-AYP DM). Once a week I will come back to AYP DM. I meditate once a day. In the past, whenever I practiced Crown Chakra meditation, I ended up with imbalances with symptoms such as headaches (a year or two ago). But since then, the practice has stabilized, I have been enjoying inner silence during the practice and some outside of it as well.

Now that you ask what's changed, the only thing I would say is adding Asana practice. I haven't consistently included asana practice in the past. In the last three weeks or so, I have been practicing hip opening yin-yoga sequences (20-30 mins, x2 a week) as I feel my hip and lower limbs could use some flexibility. Those sessions always leave me fully grounded. I haven't changed anything else.

the rash has gone down a bit, the stiff neck is still persisting. It is strange...
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United Kingdom
4477 Posts

Posted - Mar 27 2022 :  01:39:59 AM  Show Profile  Visit Christi's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Firststep,

Rashes are a fairly common symptom of kundalini and can appear from time to time as the purification moves to the surface of the skin. Muscle aches and pains, and stiff joints can also be a temporary symptom of purification caused by kundalini.

If either or both of these are causing you discomfort, or pain, then you can follow the procedure in lesson 69 to self-pace your practice downwards and increase grounding practices. Stopping any crown chakra practices would be the first thing to do.

Obviously, as you are mixing AYP practices with other spiritual practices, it is difficult for us to predict what the results will be, as they could be anything. So, you may want to consider moving over to pure AYP practices, so that the results of practices, and self-pacing measures, moving forwards, will become more predictable and easier to manage.

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23 Posts

Posted - Apr 05 2022 :  01:41:18 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
hi Christi,

As always, thanks for your response. Lesson 69 was again a good reminder to self-pace. I had never stopped the meditation practice for more than a few days in the last three years. But during this rash episode, I decided to drop all forms of spiritual practice (including reading any spiritual books or listening) to see what would happen. Things seemed to be getting better for a few days.

Then my bakthi got the better of me; I sat in a 20-min non-AYP meditation one day; it was a different experience where my whole body was buzzing for the next few hours. This not only triggered the rash and itching again but they came back with a higher force. This episode lasted for the next couple of nights where I could not sleep. Thankfully I got better and now after a week, the rashes seemed to have gone completely.

During this entire period of little over two weeks,
1. I observed and probed the physical body from time to time to see if there were any energetic reactions that could cause these reactions. Only a couple of spots in my neck presented themselves and everything else feels smooth. I will be starting my practice again carefully from today.

2. There was a few hours one day, where I could not stop grinning and for no reason. This is another new response during the spiritual practice.

3. Another interesting thing that happened over the last day is a feeling that my entire body is filled with waves of inner space; no energy, and nothing else, only space. I wonder if it is a presentation of inner silence.

My agna or the crown chakra meditations are very gentle and only lasts for a few minutes at a time, and only for once or twice a week. This practice has been smooth and enjoyable for about 6 months or so. So I would say I was very stable with my practice and the only thing that changed was the addition of hip-opening yoga sequence during the week before the rashes appeared.

I understand the additional risks of mixing and matching various practices. My current path is on the simplified kundalini yoga practise. Still, the AYP is a practice I come back to occasionally because that's the one that launched me on this path in the first place.

Edited by - firststep on Apr 05 2022 10:45:14 AM
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