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Posted - Dec 25 2021 : 5:19:21 PM
HI everyone
Happy I found this forum where I can share the experience I am going through in the hopes to get some help and guidance!
One year ago, after working many years for a big company, I was unfulfilled and decided to start doing something I love, as just working for money was not making me happy even though I had literally everything. Weeks, months after I landed in the hospital with weird lower back pain and underwent different procedures for one month, they couldn’t find anything and said it is stress related.
Since then, the following months I had some weird vibrations in my legs and heat in my spine, hearing also a tone in the bathroom.
In July 2021 I started feeling the vibrations in all my body, with preponderance in my right leg, and feel like something is spinning in my belly. I had the feeling like I have an energy in my body, that was generating very very weird sensations as I also had to start taking sleeping pills to be able to sleep due to the fact that I feel this energy like an electricity in my whole body all the time.
I started doing cranio-sacral teraphy, phycho-therapy and started also searching for an answer in a different place as I spend already a bunch of money on different doctors (3 neurologists, CTs, MRIs, gene tests, rheumatologists, internist etc.) and none of them were able to give me a diagnose.
A session I had with someone who is doing spiritual practices, said to me she had a client like me some ages ago, who experienced the so called Kundalini Awakening. I never heard before till then about Kundalini. I was living in my own corporate bubble.
It started getting weird as I started also having weird dreams, premonitions and different paranormal situations in my normal life. It was clear for me that it is not stress how they all say, because I was everything but stressed, but it is Kundalini.
I started doing acupuncture to unblock some of my energy centres, tried yoga 2-3 times a week, but I cannot calm down the energy I feel. However, I have the feeling that all these practices are intensifying my sensations. Sometimes I have body, muscle spasms, heat in the upper back, like someone is holding a candle and it is very very uncomfortable. It is with me all the time.
My psychotherapist said I shall try Reiki, as I do not need any therapy on the psychological part but rather on the physical part, but I wanted to talk and ask the opinion of someone who is experienced because it is already one year since this started and almost 5 months since it got intense, therefore I just want to take the right decision. The spiritual person I asked, meant I shall find someone in Asia, because here in Europe not many experience this.
Can you please guide me along the way?
Any book, course, contact person or information is highly appreciated!
Happy Christmas everyone!
Edited by - minxi on Dec 25 2021 5:31:02 PM |
2312 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2021 : 02:49:52 AM
Hello Minxi
Sorry to hear of your troubles. It does sound as if you have been thorough with checking with medical professionals first, to rule out a physical or mental issues. AYP is an open source platform and chock full of yogic knowledge, so take some time and explore the site. If you like what you find, please support Yogani and his life’s work.
If you indeed are experiencing kundalini issues, it is important to know how to ground yourself on a daily basis. There are many ways to tone down energy that are within your influence, and you may try several different ways to ground to discover what works for you. https://www.aypsite.org/69.html
You did not mention a daily meditation practice, if not, then you should start one. By quieting your mind, and learning to identify and release random thought, you purify your neurobiological system, and over time, energy flows stably within and without you. You develop the ability to separate from your thoughts and to sense the weight of silence in any particular moment. You do not need to leave Europe, or even your house. AYP uses a simple mantra meditation that can be done in two half-hour segments a day. https://www.aypsite.org/10.html
In the mean time, there is nothing wrong with getting a massage, or exploring alternate remedies like acupuncture. Know that kundalini can supercharge your attention, so do your best not to focus too hard on symptoms as that could be adding to the issue. By practicing surrender, the action is inside moving away. If you have ever checked your anger and exhaled it with a breath, you know what I mean. Once you have developed silence and the witness within you, the action feels real and relief is found.
Service to others is grounding, and another great way to find relief, as your attention is outward, and occupied in that moment. |
351 Posts |
Posted - Dec 27 2021 : 12:18:40 PM
Moderator note: Topic moved for better placement |
29 Posts |
Posted - Dec 29 2021 : 3:32:06 PM
Hello Minxi It's nice that you found your way to AYP and to this forum. I haven't been here that long myself and can't share everything from my own experience, but I can share what I have learned and understood so far:
First of all, don't panic. Kundalini may not be known to doctors and psychologists in the West, but the phenomenon itself is as old as humanity and in itself is not bad at all. It may sound inappropriate in your situation, but most people who have set out on the path to God in the last millennia have done and put up with a lot in order to experience Kundalini. If you can bring stability into the process and allow the purity of your energy system to increase over time, then the experiences that arise from the energy will also become more and more pleasant and make up for everything you are experiencing now with sensual pleasure. So, as far as possible, don't see it as a threat or as something you have to get rid of, but just as something that needs to be put on the right track a little bit so that it becomes a very great gift. If the energy is strong right from the start, the symptoms of the cleansing can show up as pain, also as the strangest other phenomena you can think of, but it all passes, what actually happens is that you get rid of all the trauma etc. that you have ever contracted, much more effectively than psychotherapy ever could (which of course is not a discouragement of any kind).
Nevertheless, it is of course understandable that you want to know what you can do to feel better for the moment and that is justified. As I understand it, apart from the grounding activity already mentioned, there are three things that are particularly important in the whole process or for you right now. Firstly: Kundalini should be cultivated in such a way that it takes a stable ascending route (preferably centrally across the back) from the pelvis to the point between the eyebrows (third eye). As this energy centre develops it gives you some control over the strength of the energy flow. Until the process is very advanced, the energy should be kept away from the crown, or the third eye should always be far more developed.
Secondly: In mystical terms, enlightenment is described as a union of the goddess Shakti (energy) with Shiva (silent consciousness). Cultivating inner peace in addition to energy will not only help you on the path to enlightenment, but will also bring stability and balance to the energy process. It has already been suggested that you take a look at deep meditation with the mantra (sound of I AM or EI-ÄHM) and apply it. This form of meditation is very effective in quieting the mind. In addition, the mantra has the built-in effect of alternately addressing the Third Eye and the 1st Chakra, thus promoting an awakening in a stable path.
As you yourself have discovered, asanas and other exercises taught in yoga classes (especially uddiyana) can stimulate the energy to a level that you cannot yet use. Therefore, I would leave them out if they do not bring relief. Asanas can also distribute the energy better, which can be more pleasant, but usually the problems come from too much energy.
The disadvantage of deep meditation with mantra is that it can also increase the flow of energy - it is a progressive technique. If this is the case, you should use the weaker breath meditation to create calmness within you. There may be weaker methods, but this one is well tested. If the mantra meditation is already too strong for you, it is unlikely that the spinal breathing (which brings the energy to the forehead) is already good. In the forum we just had the question about alternate breathing and maybe that can also help you - moderately applied. The topic also includes adjusting your practice at times of increased responsiveness to the exercises. https://www.aypsite.org/forum/topic...PIC_ID=19068
If you need to: In my experience you can also do an exercise by doing the spinal breathing without breathing - so just visualise the path slightly without synchronising with the breath, this moves almost no energy but directs the energy that is there towards the forehead.
Thirdly, I would exercise caution with Reiki. I have read in a German forum about people whose kundalini awakened after Reiki in the first place - and in an uncontrolled way. That doesn't mean that it can't help you at all or that it is wrong in every case. But I would talk to the healer, point out the Kundalini becoming active and hear if he knows about it and what exactly he intends to do. If your problems come from too much energy in the system, it is unlikely that more energy transferred to you will help, especially if energy is given somewhere more or less according to an intellectual concept and especially to the spine. Here at AYP they are not so keen on Shaktipat (direct transfer of energy) and I too would only allow very few to manipulate my system directly.
https://www.fyue.de/shaktipat (here are also the main lessons in German)
Although I myself have received great help in the area of health and also in the case of a potentially dangerous energy imbalance by following the spiritual healing method of a German healer, in which additional healing energy is also absorbed at home - however, the soul from which this originates is also realised to the highest degree, presumably already since the previous life. And I don't know if the Reiki healer around the corner can do this in this form, as not all of them are already so far along that they can mentally see the energy system of the recipient and perceive what exactly they have to give and where. So I would be careful and if necessary ask them not to go full throttle right away to see how your system reacts. Even with the healing path I mentioned, I have learned to be careful when the energy is not given in a personalised way but I charge myself with it.
I think it is very lucky that you have not been psychiatrised with your experiences. The German yoga teacher Dieter Gurkasch once said that people who spontaneously awakened Kundalini used to become saints - but today psychiatry is more likely because the knowledge about this phenomenon has been lost in the West. If you can trust your current therapist that is very good, but I would be careful about sharing any experiences that arise with anyone working in this field. Kundalini can, in the early stages, open a person's system in such a way that one becomes more receptive to the radiance of others. I can't imagine that a stay in an institution together with people who are really mentally ill would do you good in any case (which of course does not mean that you should not seek professional help).
For myself, I have also found that it can be useful to alternate between grounding and distraction, to allow the process to unfold at certain times of the day (preferably always at the same time of day) in a relaxation phase in the dead position. The energy rises during this time but is calmed afterwards and this can be especially good if Kundalini wants to be too active at night. Depending on how high your energy is and how you react, you can do a relaxation exercise (muscle relaxation, Jacobson or autogenic training or something) for half an hour. Lightly shift attention to where energy is attracting it in the body (don't stay in one place for too long or it's extra meditation). Do a body scan on the physical body (as it lies on the surface and ignore the energy system) or distract oneself completely from all internal processes with positive thoughts. Turning the senses inwards is in itself a limb of yoga, it facilitates the unfolding process, but it can also be stimulating, as described you can gradually alleviate this during relaxation.
In addition to physical exercise and gardening, reading light, non-spiritual but also non-negative entertainment (Terry Pratchett) has proven effective for grounding. This draws the attention out of the body for a while. Reading great masters and spiritual works (Yogananda, Yogasutra, Bhagavad Gita etc.) I would postpone until later.
I hope this helps you
Greetings and a happy new year soon.
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