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 Kundalini - AYP Practice-Related
 'Three and a half coils'-related phenomenon??
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United Kingdom
41 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2020 :  5:52:30 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
I wonder if an automatic physical movement I now experience during intense Kundalini energy flow has any significance.
One of the first experiences I had during the early period after first signs of K-awakening six years ago were automatic yogic movements. More recently, when lying on my back or seated on a chair, the initiation of energy flow, experienced as intense, high-frequency electrophysiological stimulation (a sort of neurological ‘buzzing’, comparable to knocking one’s funny bone, but manifesting in the lower chakras, and continuous rather than temporary), I have an impulse (which I usually obey, but can decline) to tightly wind my legs around one another. This results in one leg crossing the other three times (thighs,shanks and ankles all cross). It doesn’t seem to be a ‘conventional’ yogic movement.
I’ve often wondered what the significance is of the Kundalini serpent assertedly being coiled three and a half times at the base of the spine, and whether there is a connection somehow with this particular automatic movement of mine. It is associated with ecstatic physical sensation of sexual nature. The site(s) of ‘buzzing’ seem to be transferable - with some loss of intensity - from the lower chakras by differentially focusing the mind on higher chakras, but I am very careful with this in case of possible adverse consequences. I should point out that my legs are not technically ‘coiled’ three times, merely that they cross three times.
I doubt whether there is any connection with the serpent’s said three and a half coils, but the phenomenon seems to be of interest anyway. It may actually be a common experience, but not much spoken of, at least within my limited knowledge. Hence my referral here to the vast wealth of experience and knowledge of forum members for any advice, warning or general comment that it may evoke, any or all of which would be most welcome.


2262 Posts

Posted - Dec 15 2020 :  9:54:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Welcome Walter!

I doubt whether there is any connection with the serpent’s said three and a half coils, but the phenomenon seems to be of interest anyway. It may actually be a common experience, but not much spoken of, at least within my limited knowledge.

The AYP practice considers this “scenery”, something to be observed, enjoyed, integrated and then surrendered. It may be related to the coiled serpents, but impossible to know therefore shouldn’t be dwelled upon. Automatic movements often show up for me in shavasana at the end of asana class. After an hour of arousing energy, it’s how my body expresses the state I’m in. I’m am not holding it in, it Radiates out. Enjoy the serendipity.

I have an impulse (which I usually obey, but can decline) to tightly wind my legs around one another. This results in one leg crossing the other three times (thighs,shanks and ankles all cross). It doesn’t seem to be a ‘conventional’ yogic movement.

This emulated the bottom of Eagle Pose; the full expression involved intertwining your arms too. I never made the connection of intertwined serpents and Eagle before
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United Kingdom
41 Posts

Posted - Dec 16 2020 :  06:09:54 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you, Dogboy. I hadn't known about the eagle pose. Your general advice very welcome.
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2 Posts

Posted - Mar 09 2021 :  11:48:34 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I wrap my leg around the other; nothing to do with the three-and-a-half coils of the serpent.

I often wonder how it was translated as 3 1/2 coils "around" the spine when in fact the serpent resides at the 3.5 mark on the chakra scale. I'm not sure he (or she, as some would have us believe) coils around anything. I think the "coils around" was a misinterpretation of the fact that the serpent resides between the 3rd and 4th chakras; thus, three-and-a-half.
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2262 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2021 :  1:19:35 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Incidentally, the location of the Solar Center. https://www.aypsite.org/368.html
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545 Posts

Posted - Mar 10 2021 :  4:53:18 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Walter, Thank you for sharing your experience with Kundalini energy and automatic yoga. I can relate to the "buzzing" sensation you experience. When the energy is active I feel it as a buzzing in my hands and a distinct tone in my ears. Since starting AYP practices I've come to understand ecstatic conductivity as a somewhat more controlled expression of kundalini. As I've progressed in the teachings I have experienced each of Yogani's practices as a type of training of this energy. The overall experience is training the body to move the energy from the root to the crown. Automatic yoga seems a spontaneous expression of many of the asanas (as Dogboy interestingly points out with Eagle pose) and a way the body instinctively seems to know how to move the energy upwards. I also now appreciate how these asanas/bandas/mudras etc are techniques to cultivate/preserve this energy so as not to have it lost from the body. As you instinctively wrap your legs around each other I believe you are expressing this internal wisdom.
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United Kingdom
41 Posts

Posted - Mar 19 2021 :  6:46:55 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you HonestlyTrying, Dogboy and Interpaul for your helpful comments. I agree that the serpent’s reputed ‘three and half coils’ may have no literal relevance here, but thought it useful to raise the mystery of that particular wording. As regards my automatic legs-winding posture, no doubt at all that this is a Kundalini manifestation and I agree with Interpaul that this may be one of the methods by which the energy is transferred upwards from the lowest chakras. Thank you also Dogboy for the solar centering link. I do consciously locate the energy arising initially from the vibration of voiced OM (or like sound, usually just a low hum) to the solar plexus and briefly also to other centres in the hope of unlocking possible blocks in any of them. Would anyone like to comment on how unlocking such blocks might manifest? It may be relevant that I was feeling extremely tired earlier today and not expecting to be able to contribute anything meaningful at the moment, but then I initiated a Kundalini flow for only a very short period (probably less than a minute) and began this post with no remaining feeling of tiredness at all.

For me, the physical manifestations of Kundalini energy flow, while intensely fascinating physiologically, are largely irrelevant in themselves, since my overriding interest (really, my ‘hunger-and-thirsting’ need) since early youth has been only for spiritual understanding, not physical sensation, however ecstatic. But the mere fact that they (Kundalini energy flow and spiritual understanding) are traditionally regarded as inter-related, and that my body has ‘gratuitously’ (ultimately via Yogani, as benevolent conduit) been granted the gift of experiencing some of the physical sensations associated with Kundalini, coupled with concomitant, yet not obviously intellectually associated advances in my spiritual understanding, demand that the Kundalini experience be regarded with the Reverence traditionally accorded it. And, of course, I do feel intensely grateful and greatly humbled by it. I assume, rightly or wrongly, and from a scientific background, that any enhanced understanding afforded me has been effected by Kundalini energy opening latent neuro-physiological pathways (emotional and intellectual, as well as sensory), but there may, of course, be more direct spiritual explanations.

The paradox I am faced with is that words (whether about Kundalini, Western/Eastern spiritual beliefs in general, the meaning of specific religious texts, etc, etc), once felt so rewarding just to discuss, now seem counter productive to that deep inner state of Silent Awareness, to realise which, for me, constitutes (almost) the be-all-and-end-all of the spiritual quest. I say ’almost’ because there is still one immense missing link, that effecting a lasting fusion with - for want of a better term - Prime Consciousness (or, expressed in religious terms, ‘Union with God’). To wish for this - is that just ‘spiritual greed’ ? Or, no matter where one happens to have reached in their journey, is it due recognition of there being at least one further step yet to be taken (or, more humbly stated, granted)? Where words are still mostly indispensable is in communication with fellow spiritual Wayfarers. Participating in this or any like forum (if only very belatedly) and taking the opportunity to help and/or be helped by others on the Way would seem an almost obligatory undertaking for any genuine spiritual aspirant. At the very least, I would be able to encourage others to “Say not the struggle naught availeth” and to affirm, without doubt: “Seek, and ye shall find”. .

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