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 Michigan retreat 2014
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921 Posts

Posted - Mar 09 2014 :  5:22:28 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Hi all,

We have finalized the dates for this retreat: the weekend of May 30 - June 1, 2014. We will follow the regular AYP weekend retreat schedule, meeting late morning on Friday and ending after lunch on Sunday.

Here are more details:
Where: Clarkston, Michigan at the Colombiere Retreat Center - www.colombiere.com
When: May 30 - June 1, 2014
Price: $250 for single or shared (double) rooms, all meals included
Leaders: Kami and Parallax

Last year, this retreat was a huge success and wonderful experience:

Please respond here or via PM to Parallax or me if you would like to attend.

This year, we will be able to offer scholarships to those in need. This may comprise of the entire retreat fee, part of the retreat fee or help with travel costs, determined on a case-by-case basis. Interested practitioners, please send me a PM with a brief explanation, by April 10, 2014.

Looking forward!!


348 Posts

Posted - Mar 23 2014 :  4:50:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Parallax's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey everyone!!

I very excited about the retreat in a couple of months and looking forward to sharing some Silence with my AYP family.

If you are planning on coming please send a message to either Kami or myself. We need to have a headcount by April 10th so please let us know asap if you have interest!

And for anyone who has not attended one of these retreats before, the long-term effects are simply beyond anything I had imagined possible

Much Love to You All!!
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348 Posts

Posted - Apr 07 2014 :  8:25:07 PM  Show Profile  Visit Parallax's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi Everyone!

Just a reminder, there is still time to sign up for the retreat if you are interested in attending

Send a message to Kami or myself to let us know

Peace & Love
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734 Posts

Posted - Apr 18 2014 :  07:48:12 AM  Show Profile  Visit mr_anderson's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hope you guys have a great time. Very sorry that I will miss this, I have my best friends bachelor party directly overlapping.
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348 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  3:49:00 PM  Show Profile  Visit Parallax's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hey everyone!!

The Michigan retreat wrapped up yesterday afternoon. I wanted to thank everyone who attended (in person and in spirit) for their presence, for their sharing and for their willingness to look within. The retreat could not have been what it was without each one of you to form a beautiful mosaic of inner silence and opening. Chas, Cody, Liz, Chaz, Anima I am grateful for each one of you

And I can't say enough about Kami's leadership on the retreat. It was extremely well organized and she led a healthy and balanced mix of asanas, sitting practices, grounding, discussion, learning sessions and bonding. The whole experience felt smooth and effortless, thanks to all of her effort and hardwork But most importantly I was grateful for her Presence. Thank you Kami

From my perspective, the retreat practice sessions were deep and I've felt a lot of opening occurring both at the retreat and since returning home. The long walks between sessions, the campfire and listening to Cody's music were all very grounding to balance things out. I loved the discussions on the Work and the energy body, but particularly enjoyed the sessions on EFT and H'oponopono (which is as much fun to practice as it is to say ) which I had not had exposure to prior to the retreat.

It was a fantastic experience and something I'll never forget...I can't wait for the next one!

Much Love
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921 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  9:37:02 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you Parallax, for the kind words. It was an honor to lead this retreat with you.

Thanks also to everyone that came and graced my home as well as the retreat with your presence and radiance. Bodhi and Anima, thank you for the music.

The light in my heart humbly bows to the light in each of yours.

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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jun 02 2014 :  11:16:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Words, like little raindrops, drip from my fingers...to say...many thanks and happy returns to the dynamic duo of Parallax and Kami. Their leadership was most superb--a great combination, really. We had Parallax cracking jokes and Kami waxing all scholarly and profound, so what do you get? Light-hearted humor and deep truths all rolled up into one. Kah-bam.

You know, Yogani has said that the real barometer of success in spiritual practices is measured by the quality of life which permeates the time between practices, and this certainly held very true at the retreat, and especially now, back at home. I feel totally rejuvenated, fulfilled, optimistic and re-charged. I am ready to keep rolling forward and face all of life's challenges and surprises.

This retreat was made so very special by the people in attendence: Tom, Chas, Chaz, and Liz. Each are magical and super-talented in their own right.

I think it's safe to say we are blazing some major trails here, and that the best is yet to come, even though it's already HERE NOW.

Once again, thank you to Kami and Parallax for running the show, and long live the mystery that is, that was, that ever will be. Love to all!
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450 Posts

Posted - Jun 03 2014 :  09:45:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
This is one of those times when words feel inadequate. The retreat was a profound experience, and I feel immense gratitude toward everyone who participated - whether physically present or not.
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348 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  09:55:36 AM  Show Profile  Visit Parallax's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi everyone!

Just a quick update from a couple of days after the retreat. The integration process has been relatively smooth so far, despite going right back in to work first thing on Monday. I have felt two major energetic "knots" start to release, which has come with a feeling of a smoother and more balanced flow in the energy body. And the inner silence is quitely permeating everything with a feeling of such peace and contentedness despite life going on in all its crazy and beautiful ways

I have such gratitude for Kami...for her skillful leadership and insightful guidance on the retreat and for the considerable effort that she put into organizing the retreat. Its has opened me in profound ways, and I can't possibly thank you enough

And once again, thank you to everyone who was there who shared in and contributed to the experience...each one of you were an important part of it for me


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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Jun 04 2014 :  7:16:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Parallax

I have such gratitude for Kami...for her skillful leadership and insightful guidance on the retreat and for the considerable effort that she put into organizing the retreat. Its has opened me in profound ways, and I can't possibly thank you enough

I second that.
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