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 Are you happy?
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594 Posts

Posted - Nov 27 2013 :  11:09:50 PM  Show Profile  Visit jonesboy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Message
Are you happy? Is your day really filled with joy?

I ask because mine is and I sure hope yours is too.

It happened pretty quick for me. Two weeks of doing AYP and I had a physical outpouring of joy that was amazing. That joy did settle down and then took a good couple of months to kick into something that I could really feel again. Eleven months later, life is good.

(What is weird is that when I leave my house it grows) beside the point

I guess I am writing this because we talk so much about technique, enlightenment, systems and issues but we do all this because of how it makes us feel during the day. Now I still get mad and can get a little to passionate at work sometimes. But man am I happy, so thank you Yogani for this gift.

So my friends, do you feel happy too? How long after starting AYP did it take for you to notice a real change in your day?


846 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  07:46:22 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Sounds good! Is joy happiness? I don't equate the two.
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594 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  1:07:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit jonesboy's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply

noun: joy

a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy.

Studies have shown that meditation actually reduces the size of the amygdala gland which is associated with stress. I believe meditation, the rise of inner silence in and out of practice allows us to begin to realize our natural state. Bliss, joy, happiness whatever you wish to name it.

Whenever anyone asks me about meditation my first comment is always "it will make you happy." I read stories all the time about how AYP has helped change peoples lives in real ways. Isn't part of it because it makes people feel happy?

One of the reasons I am writing this is for people who have never meditated. Before I started I read and studied hours every day for two months. It took me that long to realize that I kept finding answers here. Since I kept finding answers to my questions here I might as well try the lessons. Like I said earlier after two weeks bam, over, sold, it was amazing. That was bliss.

The last thing I want to do is mislead people. If this is something that is unique to me, to experience this so early in my practice please let me know. I have no doubt that kami or shanti or whipporwill or christi or the many of the other long time practitioners lives are good and filled with a natural state of joy. (I sure hope so )

So has AYP helped to fill your day with happiness? If not, what way did it effect you when you first started? What was your bhakti to continue if you were new to meditation?

Edited by - jonesboy on Nov 28 2013 1:12:33 PM
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734 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  5:02:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit mr_anderson's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Nice post Jonesboy. For me, personal suffering has gradually become impossible. If you don't identify, suffering doesn't happen. Plus, ecstatic bliss gradually eradicates all negatives moods - AYP works. Happy tomorrow, happier the day after


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3615 Posts

Posted - Nov 28 2013 :  6:28:40 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
My favorite "are you happy now?" song, by Kent a Swedish group whose songs are dark, beautiful, cryptic and peaceful at the same time:

Kent "before it all ends"

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846 Posts

Posted - Nov 29 2013 :  7:56:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by jonesboy

noun: joy

a feeling of great pleasure and happiness

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy.

1. Extreme happiness; ecstasy.

Studies have shown that meditation actually reduces the size of the amygdala gland which is associated with stress. I believe meditation, the rise of inner silence in and out of practice allows us to begin to realize our natural state. Bliss, joy, happiness whatever you wish to name it.

Whenever anyone asks me about meditation my first comment is always "it will make you happy." I read stories all the time about how AYP has helped change peoples lives in real ways. Isn't part of it because it makes people feel happy?

One of the reasons I am writing this is for people who have never meditated. Before I started I read and studied hours every day for two months. It took me that long to realize that I kept finding answers here. Since I kept finding answers to my questions here I might as well try the lessons. Like I said earlier after two weeks bam, over, sold, it was amazing. That was bliss.

The last thing I want to do is mislead people. If this is something that is unique to me, to experience this so early in my practice please let me know. I have no doubt that kami or shanti or whipporwill or christi or the many of the other long time practitioners lives are good and filled with a natural state of joy. (I sure hope so )

So has AYP helped to fill your day with happiness? If not, what way did it effect you when you first started? What was your bhakti to continue if you were new to meditation?

I stand corrected! I guess I usually associate happiness with the whole treadmill of desires.. American dream and all that. Just a negative connotation I guess.

I agree. Happiness is the whole point!
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843 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  01:29:19 AM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I share Tonight's possibly nit-picky distinction, because happy/sad for me is part of the duality of life that happens on the surface.

What I feel from my lifetime of meditation practice I would call "Bliss" rather than "happiness." I mean, I would say "I am happy" because that's what I feel consistently on the INSIDE, in my heart of hearts, the Center where I reside. But, Bliss to me is a steadier, more transcendent state without the ups and downs; I am in Bliss even when the external drama may involve other emotions, including sadness. It is deeper than "happiness" and not dependent on transient emotional states as such. But again, this is a nit-picky distinction.
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1560 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  02:13:33 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I think Equanimity is the point where there is no preference to happiness or sadness . Is that the state of bliss ? Possibly. Not quite sure yet.

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Bodhi Tree

2972 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  09:48:18 AM  Show Profile  Visit Bodhi Tree's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I think it's a path that exponentially increases a person's capacity to withstand the devastating Light of Paradise as that Light penetrates and reshapes all the fibers of our being, thereby resulting in what is commonly referred to as happiness.
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687 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  10:43:53 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Radharani's experiences really speak for the meaning of bliss. I see them as inspiring examples of the promise in long-term cultivation of yoga to actualize all of one's present-life potential towards inner freedom, generating a change or surrender of that which can only be described as what the word spiritual alludes to.

"Give up your tastes, tendencies and desires...by knowing, and by knowing more and more deeply, that all satisfaction is the expression of your own real nature of Peace and you shall be forever free." -Sri Atmananda

This is another favorite quote I've come across. Desire is the polar opposite of aversion (to quote one of the classic jnanis whose reference slips my mind) with respect to the more general moving towards or away from an apparently-external stimulus, a conditioned, bound response that betrays the endless potential of the now in favor of an imagined past and future. The passage may sound ascetic, but like Yogani's description of bhakti, everything can be, and is already to some degree, applied skillfully towards its own eventual transcendence, and re-emergence into the greater potentials of the manifest, but where the relationship reverses to that of inner, and outer, liberation.
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67 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  12:14:08 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Cannot say if my Being is in the state of happiness - contentedness (did i type it correctly? :) would be more accurate word I guess. Momentary happiness or sadness - I'm content with it. Most important change is the mostly disappeared anxiety which used to be the normal state of being. It still sometimes tries to come forth, especially in the late night time after a night of 'partying' which seldom happens for that reason mostly. And I'm content with my contentedness, immovable indifference to occurences.

Blessed love!

Edited by - chinmayo on Nov 30 2013 6:46:42 PM
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846 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  12:27:44 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I prefer the term joy. Like radharani says, happiness to me connotes the duality of getting or not getting our needs and desires met. Whereas joy is eternally radiating from the Self. But I'm happy to share the other definition of happiness too!

We are joy. That is our true nature. And that joy bubbles out into our daily life of duality.

Equanimity is part of that. We must have equanimity before we can have the joy. Its a condition with aversions or desires. We see the bigger picture, and accept divine will in every moment. We know ourselves to be the Self, and we experience the joy of being.
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176 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  5:04:36 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I agree with Radharani, bliss equates to the non-dual state of Divine rapture and transcends ordinary joy and sorrow. It gifts a taste of ecstacy which moves beyond d personal preferences, due to the heightened state of mind and the feeling of undifferentiated equanimity. This also makes me quite happy ... but of course (once I touch back to Megoville).
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3615 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  6:11:18 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
My experience is-
I agree with Radharani, bliss is felt rising above all emotions. We can feel profound happiness for quite some time when we unknowingly let go of bad mental constructs through meditation. After that we feel all emotions, lots of happiness included, but the bliss causes us to not be violently tossed around in the storm waves of emotion, but rather fly like a bird above the storm waves.
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33 Posts

Posted - Nov 30 2013 :  9:12:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Hi All,

So could someone explain what their Bliss state is Like ??

Jes curious

The divine rapture state is not a "mental" state at all, at least in this experience..

It is not a "mental" state' like Happiness etc, as seems to be being maintained here, but is instead an actual Physical Neurobiological change, resulting in:

A Change in State Of Consciousness

Vs A Change in Mental State

The neurobiolgical changes are profound, Amrita flow, cessation of mind activity, etc (So No Possible way to be experiencing happy vs sad emotions, gimme a break ...)

The Difference between mentally perceived "bliss" and the neurobiological result of entering into pure bliss consciousness, is IMHO as huge as the difference between non-relational and relational self inquiry.. Which means that an Experential Base, as opposed to a Theoretical Understanding, is necessary here..

So to all That Are Supposedly in "Bliss" , i.e. mentally, Best To You but you may be deluding yourself. "Bliss Consciousness" is not just a relabeled form of "happinesss," despite any clever "non-duality" lingo, but something Very Physical, and Neurobiological, and characterized by some common , recognizable, neurobiological responses...


Namaste All


Edited by - Roberto on Dec 01 2013 09:42:52 AM
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3615 Posts

Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  12:58:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit Etherfish's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
For me it is a knowing, that everything is alright the way it is.
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843 Posts

Posted - Dec 01 2013 :  3:40:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
My dear brother Roberto,

I think we already did. "Bliss" is clearly different from ordinary emotions like happy/sad. And because it is beyond mental constructs it is difficult to put into words.

"cessation of mind activity" - not true, per se. The mind still functions, we just don't identify with it anymore. And yes, emotions still happen. Life becomes very "ordinary" in a way.

I guess the best analogy is the ocean - there are waves on the surface, but it's calm and silent in the deep. Ordinary human experience continues in the surface waves, but we're living in the silent depths, not being tossed around by the waves anymore. We can surface and ride them as much as we like, though.

Hope that makes sense.

So tell us, Don Roberto, what that Bliss is like for you? One time you made the comment, "like a silent cathedral" or something to that effect. Please do share your experience with us.
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1560 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  12:43:52 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
I would say it is all an on-going process. At first "bliss" is felt as peace and happiness, then it evolves into clarity where it is not a "felt emotion" anymore and I guess it will keep changing... at least that is what I have experienced so far.

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176 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  09:35:37 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Roberto

So could someone explain what their Bliss state is Like ??

From my experiences, I would wholly agree, that while bliss causes the indwelling self to explode in a sheer, unequivocal joy which practically defies description... it is neither positive nor negative, happy nor sad.

Ananda is that heightened state, in whihc the fulcrum of myself is dissolved within the frequency of a far greater consciousness, The Godhead. There are definitive physiological signs of this activity, as well as energy surges felt. Like a wave of conscious-awareness, lifting the I-thought beyond it's routine paradigmatic parameters and human associations. This is totally a non-dual level of being, so while it feels ecstatic to Mego... the price for admission is self-annihilation, as the very self whihc quantifies the experience, is sacrificed in the process of transduction and transformation.

The divine rapture state is not a "mental" state at all, at least in this experience..

The neurobiolgical changes are profound, Amrita flow, cessation of mind activity, etc (So No Possible way to be experiencing happy vs sad emotions, gimme a break ...)

The Difference between mentally perceived "bliss" and the neurobiological result of entering into pure bliss consciousness, is IMHO as huge as the difference between non-relational and relational self inquiry.. Which means that an Experential Base, as opposed to a Theoretical Understanding, is necessary here... and characterized by some common , recognizable, neurobiological responses...

Exactly! It's so obvious why Yogins and ascetics world-over, spend so much time in solitary confinement. Be it within a cave in the Himalayas or within a small room in a monastery, inside of a floatation tank or even quietly on the cough in ones living room... the shift must be accompanied by the tell-tale signs of trance-states and direct transfixation/transfiguration.

In my own small experiences of Bliss-consciousness, there appear tears flowing at the very corners of the material eyes. Tears spill gently and continuously down the sides of the face my soul seats itself behead and within. the Ajna is fully activated and when entered and passed through, the limitless expanse of the blooming Sahasrara is known as the only reality (and all else a dream sequence).

An explosive vision of unbound effulgence is highly palpable. so much so,that one is lost in the blinding intensity and goes into whiteout mode. And simultaneously, the sound current is unleaded in all of its immensity. This vibration rattles the ego-self into so many pieces of cosmic confetti. The rise of kundalini shoots, geyser-like, up the spine and out the top of the crown, where is settles in the weightless vortex of energy, directly above the human head (about 8-12 inches).

There breath appears to cease... or at lest take such a deep pause it seems to have stopped it's mechanism. Ultimately, a deep quietude replaced the intensity of the AUM vibration and the deep silnce absorbs the inner witness and removes any degree of self ot observe the process. I call theis "the Eclipsing"... once I have returned ot "ordinary" consciousness.

And I can only say that this makes me so damn happy, I ma in a state of euphoria. The joy of being but an infinitesimal speck in the Infinite Godhead... brings an almost immeasurable peace and clarity of vision. Hence the tears? and on rare occasions, there is a flood of sweet nectar.. Amrita floods down from above and in so doing, quenches the mortal Atman, seamlessly joining the higher and lower spheres as a singular whole. Not at all a mental thingy. It is an energy/experiential thingy.

All I know is part of the mego show, so what I type now is also part of the pendulum of dichotomous existentialism. But by golly, the memory lingers just long enough to saturate the soul inerrant within this human vessel. I feel that this is the sheer Ananda of the mystical experience, no doubt about it. I am most grateful for the shift in attention; the powerful degree in which the individual self in devoured by the Divine self... for in reality, there is only the One.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
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846 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  12:02:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by Govinda

Originally posted by Roberto

So could someone explain what their Bliss state is Like ??

From my experiences, I would wholly agree, that while bliss causes the indwelling self to explode in a sheer, unequivocal joy which practically defies description... it is neither positive nor negative, happy nor sad.

Ananda is that heightened state, in whihc the fulcrum of myself is dissolved within the frequency of a far greater consciousness, The Godhead. There are definitive physiological signs of this activity, as well as energy surges felt. Like a wave of conscious-awareness, lifting the I-thought beyond it's routine paradigmatic parameters and human associations. This is totally a non-dual level of being, so while it feels ecstatic to Mego... the price for admission is self-annihilation, as the very self whihc quantifies the experience, is sacrificed in the process of transduction and transformation.

The divine rapture state is not a "mental" state at all, at least in this experience..

The neurobiolgical changes are profound, Amrita flow, cessation of mind activity, etc (So No Possible way to be experiencing happy vs sad emotions, gimme a break ...)

The Difference between mentally perceived "bliss" and the neurobiological result of entering into pure bliss consciousness, is IMHO as huge as the difference between non-relational and relational self inquiry.. Which means that an Experential Base, as opposed to a Theoretical Understanding, is necessary here... and characterized by some common , recognizable, neurobiological responses...

Exactly! It's so obvious why Yogins and ascetics world-over, spend so much time in solitary confinement. Be it within a cave in the Himalayas or within a small room in a monastery, inside of a floatation tank or even quietly on the cough in ones living room... the shift must be accompanied by the tell-tale signs of trance-states and direct transfixation/transfiguration.

In my own small experiences of Bliss-consciousness, there appear tears flowing at the very corners of the material eyes. Tears spill gently and continuously down the sides of the face my soul seats itself behead and within. the Ajna is fully activated and when entered and passed through, the limitless expanse of the blooming Sahasrara is known as the only reality (and all else a dream sequence).

An explosive vision of unbound effulgence is highly palpable. so much so,that one is lost in the blinding intensity and goes into whiteout mode. And simultaneously, the sound current is unleaded in all of its immensity. This vibration rattles the ego-self into so many pieces of cosmic confetti. The rise of kundalini shoots, geyser-like, up the spine and out the top of the crown, where is settles in the weightless vortex of energy, directly above the human head (about 8-12 inches).

There breath appears to cease... or at lest take such a deep pause it seems to have stopped it's mechanism. Ultimately, a deep quietude replaced the intensity of the AUM vibration and the deep silnce absorbs the inner witness and removes any degree of self ot observe the process. I call theis "the Eclipsing"... once I have returned ot "ordinary" consciousness.

And I can only say that this makes me so damn happy, I ma in a state of euphoria. The joy of being but an infinitesimal speck in the Infinite Godhead... brings an almost immeasurable peace and clarity of vision. Hence the tears? and on rare occasions, there is a flood of sweet nectar.. Amrita floods down from above and in so doing, quenches the mortal Atman, seamlessly joining the higher and lower spheres as a singular whole. Not at all a mental thingy. It is an energy/experiential thingy.

All I know is part of the mego show, so what I type now is also part of the pendulum of dichotomous existentialism. But by golly, the memory lingers just long enough to saturate the soul inerrant within this human vessel. I feel that this is the sheer Ananda of the mystical experience, no doubt about it. I am most grateful for the shift in attention; the powerful degree in which the individual self in devoured by the Divine self... for in reality, there is only the One.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

Nice post Govinda!

I'll just say, its the joy of being.

The recognition of oneself as pure awareness is accompanied by an eternal fountain of bliss. It is effortless and it is truth.

This condition of consciousness cannot be separated from the dance of forms, and so there is also great ecstacy in the awareness of the movement of forms. The more still we become, the more movement there is. Until everything is light, and there is both ultimate stillness and ultimate movement simultaneously. And in this field of stillness and movement, we experience a frenzy of compassion, friction, a fire of unimaginable proportions, and we find that we are the eternal living in the temporal.

The refined body system, a result of neurobiological changes and the purification of obstructions, is able to tune into the true nature of Self. That is why practice is important. But more than that, the small self must give up its grasping and attachments and surrender to the true nature of the universe, and that is why dispassion is important.

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843 Posts

Posted - Dec 02 2013 :  8:43:19 PM  Show Profile  Visit Radharani's Homepage  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Dear Govinda,

This is slightly off the original topic of merely, "are you happy?" but since Don Roberto brought it up and you've chosen to expand on it, here is my 2 cents.

The neurobiological manifestations that you describe, I would call "ecstasy," at least in the AYP system which makes a distinction between "Bliss" and "Ecstasy." The former is the deep, imperturbable inner silence. The latter is the intense, moving energy aspect of Divine Union. At some point they merge, as you have described.

When my reality shifted in 2011 at first I experienced a huge amount of neurobiological ecstasy with all the fireworks. It was so overwhelming that I felt like I was tripping, only more intense. It was lovely, of course, (to say the least!), but I had concerns as to whether or not I could "function," i.e. be able to do my job and not become homeless. I could have been ecstatic being homeless, too, but fortunately I had just enough "sense" left to realize that this would not be optimal. Prior to this happening, years ago I had sought such "experiences."

Since then, my task has been to stay sufficiently focused in this little self at this point in space-time to be able to function in society in a "normal" manner (or at least, what passes for "normal," LOL!). Things seem to have settled down to an extent, in that while I'm walking or driving around, or doing my work, the deep silent Bliss is fully there, while the incredible mind- and soul-blowing ecstasy remains somewhat contained. As described previously, I can feel it pouring through my being as if my body is made of translucent tubes of colored light through which the Love/ecstasy is flowing, and like the sun radiating from my heart. BUT - and maybe I shouldn't be doing this, but I am not independently wealthy and don't have a monastery to stay in - maybe I'm restraining myself somehow (who is restraining whom?! LOL!), or maybe it is just the grace of God, or a built-in protective mechanism?, but the ecstasy refrains from sweeping me away as long as I am concentrating on doing whatever worldly thing I'm doing at that moment. If/when it ever gets to a point where that ceases to be the case, I don't know what I will do. Become homeless, perhaps, or maybe just exit out of my crown. Meanwhile, when I enter meditation and let go, then there are the full effects of the ecstasy which just blows away this little self completely and everything melts into the infinite Love of God in a palpable way, like being consumed by holy fire.

And that, naturally, results in a "Happiness" or joy or bliss or whatever you want to call it, that goes WAY beyond emotion and is independent of external events even though life goes on (for now) in the ordinary manner.

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75 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  1:15:29 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Thank you all for sharing your profound experiences. Although I can not say I have had the experience of ecstatic bliss (as described in several of the posts here), i can say that I have changed, grown, evolved significantly in the year + I started the practice of meditation with AYP. I feel strong and centered for the most part. I am open to seeing the beauty in each moment and appreciating the moment for what it is. Pre-meditation, I would never have thought of walking away from my career. Even several of my colleagues questioned my rationale for leaving. They were supportive of my decision to resign to be a stay at home mom, lol...but they sure did not understand it! I left a leadership position in a hospital that had nurtured my career and professional development. I walked away because I asked for light and the light then began to strip away all that did not serve me any longer. Same thing happened with relationships. I walked away from relationships that no longer served my purpose of spiritual evolution, if that is what this is. Truthfully, i am not sure what it is that I am experiencing and yet, it does not matter that I can't categorize it. When in deep meditation, I feel silent. The silence is what I yearn for each day and each night. Funny, It used to irritate me when one of my kids interrupted my sits, but now i just smile. It is what it is. It makes me grateful that sometimes they are engrossed in some activity and I have the opportunity to do a full practice with samyama and cosmic samyama to boot! But that is often not the case and I happily take what I can get . I am happy, fulfilled, joyful, and centered...but in some respects, I think I always have been and just didn't notice. I have almost always taken the high road and found the silver lining in most situations. I don't get annoyed or irritated by everyday events as I did before, that is noticeable difference. Also, I feel more compassion for others, even when their behavior is less than admirable. I hope I haven't strayed off topic, I sometimes do that .
Much love to you all,
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375 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  1:31:49 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Posts like yours KellyN keep me coming back to this forum...very inspirational to where I'm at.
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921 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  8:44:00 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by KellyN

Thank you all for sharing your profound experiences. Although I can not say I have had the experience of ecstatic bliss (as described in several of the posts here), i can say that I have changed, grown, evolved significantly in the year + I started the practice of meditation with AYP. I feel strong and centered for the most part. I am open to seeing the beauty in each moment and appreciating the moment for what it is. Pre-meditation, I would never have thought of walking away from my career. Even several of my colleagues questioned my rationale for leaving. They were supportive of my decision to resign to be a stay at home mom, lol...but they sure did not understand it! I left a leadership position in a hospital that had nurtured my career and professional development. I walked away because I asked for light and the light then began to strip away all that did not serve me any longer. Same thing happened with relationships. I walked away from relationships that no longer served my purpose of spiritual evolution, if that is what this is. Truthfully, i am not sure what it is that I am experiencing and yet, it does not matter that I can't categorize it. When in deep meditation, I feel silent. The silence is what I yearn for each day and each night. Funny, It used to irritate me when one of my kids interrupted my sits, but now i just smile. It is what it is. It makes me grateful that sometimes they are engrossed in some activity and I have the opportunity to do a full practice with samyama and cosmic samyama to boot! But that is often not the case and I happily take what I can get . I am happy, fulfilled, joyful, and centered...but in some respects, I think I always have been and just didn't notice. I have almost always taken the high road and found the silver lining in most situations. I don't get annoyed or irritated by everyday events as I did before, that is noticeable difference. Also, I feel more compassion for others, even when their behavior is less than admirable. I hope I haven't strayed off topic, I sometimes do that .
Much love to you all,

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75 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  9:20:43 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by BillinL.A.

Posts like yours KellyN keep me coming back to this forum...very inspirational to where I'm at.

Aww, thank you BillinL.A., Roberto, and Kami,
Feeling the love! Glad to have found AYP
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846 Posts

Posted - Dec 04 2013 :  9:36:40 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote  Get a Link to this Reply
Originally posted by KellyN

Thank you all for sharing your profound experiences. Although I can not say I have had the experience of ecstatic bliss (as described in several of the posts here), i can say that I have changed, grown, evolved significantly in the year + I started the practice of meditation with AYP. I feel strong and centered for the most part. I am open to seeing the beauty in each moment and appreciating the moment for what it is. Pre-meditation, I would never have thought of walking away from my career. Even several of my colleagues questioned my rationale for leaving. They were supportive of my decision to resign to be a stay at home mom, lol...but they sure did not understand it! I left a leadership position in a hospital that had nurtured my career and professional development. I walked away because I asked for light and the light then began to strip away all that did not serve me any longer. Same thing happened with relationships. I walked away from relationships that no longer served my purpose of spiritual evolution, if that is what this is. Truthfully, i am not sure what it is that I am experiencing and yet, it does not matter that I can't categorize it. When in deep meditation, I feel silent. The silence is what I yearn for each day and each night. Funny, It used to irritate me when one of my kids interrupted my sits, but now i just smile. It is what it is. It makes me grateful that sometimes they are engrossed in some activity and I have the opportunity to do a full practice with samyama and cosmic samyama to boot! But that is often not the case and I happily take what I can get . I am happy, fulfilled, joyful, and centered...but in some respects, I think I always have been and just didn't notice. I have almost always taken the high road and found the silver lining in most situations. I don't get annoyed or irritated by everyday events as I did before, that is noticeable difference. Also, I feel more compassion for others, even when their behavior is less than admirable. I hope I haven't strayed off topic, I sometimes do that .
Much love to you all,

Awesome Kelly! Keep on keepin' on. Yoga isn't about the ecstatic bliss, although there tends to be a lot of chatter about it here. Yoga is about moving into alignment with our true nature, which sounds exactly like what's happening in your life
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