
Customer Reviews of the three AYP Books on Amazon.com
(as of Jan 16, 2006)

Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom
By Yogani         ISBN 097646554X, Dec 2005, 112 pages, Retail $11.95

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Effective Meditation and Yoga Practices, February 25, 2006
Reviewer: G. Smith (USA) - See all my reviews

The text is easy to understand and very down to earth. The methods are easy to fit into a contemporary lifestyle. I've been doing these practices for about 4 months now. I'd been an insomniac for years and am getting more sound sleep since starting this meditation. If I miss a day or two of meditation, my sleep starts to suffer, so I know it is having a direct effect. From following the practices Yogani describes in this book, I feel a much more calm life quality and I'm gradually becoming more in tune with myself and everything around me.

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Easily Understood!, February 24, 2006
Reviewer: Tygerlily's Read (Deltona, FL) - See all my reviews

I haven't finished reading this book quite yet. However, what I have read is easily understood and easy to follow.

I bought this book because I know that I need to meditate for my overall health, and this is the book that will get me on that path. Now...if I would just finish reading it!

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Excellent, insightful, and simple, February 1, 2006
Reviewer: Christopher Grant (Ithaca, NY) - See all my reviews

This is a clear and concise description of the most simple practice of meditation. The author lays out this beautiful and helpful practice in an easy to understand manner. Everyone should read this book.

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Finally a complete guide to achieving deep meditation, January 16, 2006
Reviewer: A - See all my reviews

I thought Yogani's "Deep Meditation" Pathway to Personal Freedom was an excellent and insightful read. It helped me to really understand the way to approach meditation and has certainly accelerated my progress down the spiritual path. I think it is a great resource and given its small size and readability, makes for an excellent way to share meditation with friends and family in a way that will inspire them to try it.

Deep Meditation also offers some material and insights not covered in his other books, I really enjoyed reading it and recommend it highly.

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The best guide on deep meditation, December 29, 2005

Reviewer: weaver (USA) - See all my reviews

Yogani's new book Deep Meditation is the first book I have read that at the same time is a scientific description of the process of deep meditation, and a comprehensive guide on how to use it in our daily life. It is generally known that meditation has a calming effect on the mind and can relieve stress, however Yogani takes the subject much farther and describes how deep meditation can take us all the way to enlightenment. This is really what captured my attention the most.
The book is written in a language that is very easy to understand, without using any complicated terms or grammar. The process of how to meditate is very simple and can be stated on just one page, which it is, but one of the great strengths of the presentation is that it covers almost all possible aspects of how meditation can be seamlessly integrated into any lifestyle.
It is a small book of about 100 pages that can be carried in a pocket anywhere. I would strongly recommend it for anybody on the path of self-realisation, as well as for anybody interested in improving their life in general, since both our own life and those around us will be affected by our state of mind.

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Learn Meditation from the Master, December 24, 2005
Reviewer: nearoanoke (California, USA) - See all my reviews

Meditation is the single and most effective practice that can lead to self-realization. But our progress in meditation can be slowed down by lot of wrong notions that we have about it. For example are thoughts in meditation a good sign or a bad sign? The general myth is that thoughts are a distraction from the mantra and hence bad. The author of the book explains in a very effective way why thoughts are not bad. The way he explains how we touch the "inner silence" with every loss of mantra is simply mindblowing. Only somebody who has really mastered the art of meditation can explain the science behind it so clearly.

This book is a wonderful guide on not just how to meditate, but also how to do it really effectively. The author clears up lot of myths about meditation that people have. Having practised this method for long enough and having seen the results for myself, I can vouch for the effectiveness of the method suggested in this book. The method suggested here can be easily incorporated into day2day life and can do wonders to your life. I strongly recommend this to everyone, from people just starting in meditation to advanced meditators.

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Complete., December 22, 2005
Reviewer: Bill (Texas) - See all my reviews

This small volume is a complete guide to an effective, life changing meditation. This manual explains the technique in a few pages and then goes on to explain how to react to various symptoms of purification of the nervous system. Pain, thoughts, and other distractions are covered then symptoms beyone the mental and physical realm are given consideration. The gist of the book is availabe on the authors website (aypsite.org) however this book goes into greater detail on how to meditate properly.

I have read a couple dozen books on medition and tried several different techniqes over the years and have found the technique described in this book and on the webiste mentioned above to be the easiest, most effective, and most plesant. If you have any questions you can ask the forum, or the author himself, each are happy to answer any questions or help with any problems you may have.

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Deep and EASY meditation lessons!, December 14, 2005
Reviewer: Ramn Sender Barayn (http://www.raysender.com) (San Francisco, CA USA) - See all my reviews

I echo the previous reviewer David's enthusiasm! If you have tried to meditate and become discouraged, this is the book for you. Both beginners and experienced meditators will find this slim book contains everything they need to access states of alert relaxation in simple, easy-to-accomplish steps.
I must own at least twenty books on various meditation methods, and Yogani's silent mantra approach is the most easily accessible of all the ones I've tried.
What I find so useful about Yogani's approach is that the silent mantra can continue anywhere you go. On the bus yesterday I was amused to notice how every sound I heard became the mantra reflected back at me. So meditation becomes not just sitting for 20 minutes twice a day, but allowing the meditative state to overflow into all your activities. Once you have 'tasted' Yogani's gentle approach in this volume, you may want to access his Advanced Yoga Pracitices lessons also. Excellent teachings!
On the internet at: www.aypsite.org

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the best meditation booklet in existence, December 12, 2005
Reviewer: David R. (Providence, RI USA) - See all my reviews

This may be the most clear, consise and complete meditation instruction booklet in existence.

Do not let its small size and low price mislead you -- Yogani has put a lot of great work into making it small and accessible.

The meditation technique taught inside it is at once one of the simplest as well as one of the most powerful for producing spiritual transformation. It was used by the sages of India throughout the ages, and also in various monastries and spiritual communities throughout the world, including some of the Desert Fathers of early Christianity. It was brought into some prominence in the West by Sivananda and others over the last century.

Yogani teaches it expertly. Read every word with care.

Whether you are new to meditation, or have meditated before in which case it will be great review, read it, follow the practice, and read it again occasionally. Like its author, it will be a gentle, unassuming, but very powerful guide.

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5 out of 5 stars Deep Meditation - Pathway To Personal Freedom, December 9, 2005

Reviewer: Richard from United Kingdom

This in my opinion is the most concise easy to read and comprehensive little book on this subject ever written.

Everyone and anyone can do deep meditation using the simple no nonsense system explained so eloquently in this book.

If the rest of the series are like this then together they will be the most important thing to come out in many years. , I can't wait!!!


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Advanced Yoga Practices - Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living
By Yogani         ISBN 0976465507, Dec 2004, 548 pages, Retail $39.95

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Best Book on Meditation and Energy Cultivation I've ever read., November 4, 2005
Reviewer: Kyle Bairdsen "Kyle Bairdsen" (Columbia, SC USA) - See all my reviews

I've studied many of the contemplative traditions of the world-- Zen, two schools of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism/chikung, and have dabbled in Sufi, Jewish, Hindu, and Christian mysticisms and have studied Shotokan karate and Aikido. I've studied religions of the world at Swarthmore College and at Naropa and have done my best to study with a great many amazing masters of a number of traditions. I'm an insatiable reader...

Having said that, this book really is the single best A-Z resource for understanding the tools and principles of energy cultivation and meditation out there.

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I love this book!, August 3, 2005
Reviewer: nina "nina" (Florida) - See all my reviews

This book is an excellent tool for those who seek truth. It has helped me and changed me. I keep it on my night stand.

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An Encyclopedia for Enlightenment, July 27, 2005

Reviewer: Lucid Interval (Phoenix, Arizona) - See all my reviews

When most people think of yoga, they think of impossible postures or a way of getting into shape. The real jist of yoga is to attain union with God. This book could be called "Everything that you wanted to ask your Guru - and ask you did!" Yogani explains in depth a comprehensive strategy for enlightenment. For years I have searched book stores and the internet for this hidden information that was only passed on from guru to disciple throughout the centuries. Yogani gives it all without restraint in this one book. The book is filled with questions from students working through the methods and Yogani answers in full detail with clarity and compassion. If you are truly on the path seeking God, this book will change your life. It is a literal goldmine!

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A Book To Be Treasured!, June 27, 2005

Reviewer: An Educated Reader "Media Savvy" (NYC) - See all my reviews

If you are an advanced yoga practioner who meditates, or just setting out on the yoga path, Yogani's book will be a worthwhile investment. In his book, Yogani shares his wisdom, through lessons and via the experiences of other yogi/nis. His book inspires me greatly and for me, a priceless gem.

I am so greatful to Yogani, and for the book he has put together. He's a wonderful person who is doing something so worthwhile for the human spirit, and it would be an honour for me to shake this man's hand one day.

Thank you Yogani for all!

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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

A Fabulous Resource, March 21, 2005

Reviewer: Robert D. Hartman "Robert Hartman" (Oakland, California, USA) - See all my reviews

This is a book whose time has truly come.

Yogani, the author, ends every lesson and every communication with the following motto, which I think best sums up the approach of this book and the Yahoo! Group from which it is derived:

The guru is in you.

The truth about any practice of personal development, whether it comes from a spiritual tradition or some other source of inspiration, is that no one can teach another person how to be happy. Those who believe they have useful information can only share what has worked for them or pass along what they've heard has worked for others. This Yogani does with a degree of honesty and compassion that is astonishing, refreshing, and consistent.

In this case, the information Yogani passes along comes from the original Yoga Sutras-- an ancient manual for cultivating the magnificence of the human spirit. The lessons focus on what works, how it works, and how to recognize when it is working for you. The practices themselves, though preserved through the Hindu tradition, were developed through experiment and observation over many centuries without regard to any particular religious belief. They can be applied to deepen the experience of any faith, or simply build joy and character regardless of one's opinion about the nature of the divine.

Time after time, both in the lessons and when answering questions, the usefulness of this no-nonsense approach shines through. Yogani has a way of clarifying the intent of each practice, which is to make steady and noticeable progress toward a deeper and more reliable experience of happiness that is independent of external circumstances.

Although much of the material contained in the book is available in the AdvancedYogaPractices group on Yahoo!, it is extremely useful and convenient to have ready access to the entire collection of lessons and the additional material that is only available in the book.

If the 12-Step and other self-help movements were at the forefront of cultural development at the close of the 20th Century, the advanced understanding of Yoga practices as set forth in this book will no doubt form the foundation of personal development in the 21st.

When Yogani says things like this:

The essence of divine experience is unending devastating
bliss and an unshakable silent peace.

He is describing an experience that he and other practitioners have noticed. His claim that this experience can be attained through the practices is easy to verify. When done properly-without undue strain or haste-the practices are harmless. As long as you remember that the guru is in you and follow your own inner guidance as you practice, your progress will be smooth, steady, and noticeable. May you be truly happy!

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unique lessons, February 28, 2005

Reviewer: Ganjikota R. Heera "GKR" (India) - See all my reviews

Yogani's contribution to the spread of this invaluable knowledge is beyond words.During the age when finding a true master is almost impossible, these lessons are a great service to mankind.Some concepts like "self pacing" explained and emphasised in the lessons have great practical value during Advanced Yoga practices. For the first time I was convinced that knowledge presented in the right way can bring out the guru in each and everyone of us.These lessons are a must read and must practice for everyone who have asked themselves that fundamental question "who am I?"

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Practical Enlightenment for the 21st Century, February 27, 2005

Reviewer: S Luedtke (United States) - See all my reviews

Advanced Yoga Practices-Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living

The philosophy of yoga teaches that serenity and ecstatic joy are the natural state of all human beings. Experiencing this state of living is not a matter of building something new, but rather of setting free what is already there. In Advanced Yoga Practices-Easy Lessons for Ecstatic Living (AYP), Yogani provides instruction in a series of ancient yogic practices that go to the core of that liberation.

Surprisingly, the techniques presented in Advanced Yoga Practices are not difficult. Unlike hatha yoga, there are no elaborate postures, no dramatic twistings and stretchings. AYP contains techniques for breathing and meditation that gently but powerfully tone up the nervous system, raise energy, and liberate our natural serenity and joy. Also surprising is that Yogani, the author, presents this information as a non-sectarian mechanical process-follow the procedures and the results happen. Just as when you lift weights your muscles gradually become stronger regardless of whether you're a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, or Atheist, when you practice the AYP methods, serenity and joy are gradually liberated regardless of religious or philosophical belief. And, as with physical training, AYP methods recognize that individuals develop at their own pace. Students are constantly reminded to practice at a level that maintains a comfortable balance between inner development and outer life.

The book compiles dialogs from the AYP online discussion group and adds a substantial amount of new material not found online. The format consists of techniques taught by Yogani, questions from group members, and Yogani's replies. Yogani writes in impressively lucid, literate, American English that reveals not only his formidable understanding of Eastern and Western spirituality, but also his gentle sense of humor and grounding in the modern world.

I have practiced yoga for over 30 years and have read a lot of yogic literature. I feel that the information I learned in AYP has done more to further my spiritual evolution than any other resource. It's truly a practical guide to enlightenment for the 21st century.

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Brilliant Introduction to a magical, never ending path , February 23, 2005

Reviewer: Tom - See all my reviews

Advanced Yoga Practices is probably the best source for anyone who is interested in a clear, scientific direction along the path of deep meditation. Starting from the basic principles, then gradually developing towards the most advanced ones, this vast system of lessons should satisfy well-experienced yoga practitioners, as well as beginners.

Yogani's work is brilliant not only for embarking on the unprecedented effort of combining knowledge of various esoteric schools into a coherent, scientific core of clear practical knowledge: Beyond its great opulence of information, it also excells in its ability to emphasize critical points and matters which the young adept has to face, repeating them and reassuring their conveyance - while never becoming dully repetitve. Thus, the student gains the benefit of being carefully lead along this unknown, at times intimidating path, while being able to safely develop his skills - without taking any unwanted risks.

From personal experience, I may testify that woking with Yogani's system yielded incredible results during a very short period of time. Perhaps the world of advanced yoga is not suitable to everyone - some may just stick for the first lessons for their whole life - however, for those who are interested to take the leap forward, this is probably the best source available.

Highly recommended!

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I LOve this practice, and highly recommend the book!, February 22, 2005

Reviewer: marie (montauk ny) - See all my reviews

Yogani has a hit with this one. The yoga lessons are precise, to the point and easily incorporated into your current living patterns. So many of the yoga books I have read and worked with just expect too much from a householder in terms of time commitment-I find that yogani's Advanced Yoga practices are the express elevator to finding the spirit within you. each day you feel a bit more, you give a bit more, and you flow a bit more....blessings! P.S. Get the book and find out for yourself. A fellow spirit traveler and yoga teacher/artist marie

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A comprehensive exposition of the higher techniques of yoga, February 22, 2005

Reviewer: David J Reynolds (Providence, RI, USA) - See all my reviews

There was a time when, in order to find the inner secrets of Yoga,
you had no option but to dedicate your life to the yogic path and spend years as a disciple among those who would slowly reveal those secrets to you. Fortunately, Yogani has done all that for you. He has gathered these secrets the slow and hard way, and presents them all in a single easily-accessible book.

The book is a comprehensive exposition of the higher techniques of yoga and tantra. The question-and answer sections are based on real questions from a yahoo group; this makes them very real and informative.

In revealing what is usually kept secret, Yogani pulls out all the stops. The book reveals heavy-duty yoga techniques, such as Advanced Kechari, which is, as far as I know, nowhere else available in print at this time.

In a departure from the more paternal Guru Tradition, Yogani teaches in athe tradition of a Yogic Scientist. He presents the known material, without requiring you to participate in a myth of his omniscience. You progress under the advice to pace yourself; you are invited to be your own guru, judging when you are ready for the more powerful techniques and holding back if you temporarily find them to be too much.

This is not to say that the book is too advanced for the less advanced yoga practitioner. Everyone can benefit from the many gentle methods which make up the main body of the book. But for advanced yoga practitioners in particular, the book is worth its weight in gold.

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Reviewer: akc "VIND" (USA) - See all my reviews

Every human being in their heart loves the peace and bliss that comes forth in meditation. Unfortunately we may give up due to lack of guidance, too much stress and sometimes too complicated teaching, doctrines and so many barriers to hinder our true self shining forth.

The Advanced Yoga Practices lessons are one of the simplest to understand and apply in daily life because they seem to come right from the hussle and tussle of  life. They belong to no sect, religion or faith but to one who is seeking truth beyond beliefs. I have found them to be terse and right on target for the person living in the world. I strongly recommend the lessons for all. Humanity really needs something which frees it, even while living a worldly life.Yogani's words are the simplest and easiest to follow and apply. Go ahead with this adventure, for it is coming to your door. AKC

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The only book on yoga you will ever need!, February 20, 2005
Reviewer: Ramn Sender Barayn (http://www.raysender.com) (San Francisco, CA USA) - See all my reviews

When these lessons first appeared on a Yahoo list, I was intrigued. When Yogani offered more and more excellent material without ever 'playing' the guru, AND also remaining anonymous, I was impressed. Obviously here was a true teacher, with none of the 'politics' that occur when a group of aspirants gather around a master. As the Yahoo list readers grew to over 2,000, Yogani opened a website for all the lessons that now, with some deft edits and additions, has become a superb book. As someone who has read yoga manuals for over 40 years (the first was "Fundamentals of Yoga" by Dr. Rammurti Mishra in 1966), I find the style and suggested practices of this book very accessible, both for the beginner and the more advanced. It's the only book on breathing, energy circulation, chakra-openings and meditation that you will ever need. If I had to choose three books to take to a desert island with me, this would be one. With sincere appreciation, many thanks to Yogani!

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The easiest way to get close to yoga and meditation, February 20, 2005
Reviewer: Pedro Hernandez (Mexico) - See all my reviews

Yoga is not just asanas. This book is a different approach to try yoga and meditation. It explains very clearly how to begin meditation with clear results on our daily living. Any question arriving to your mind after practicing for a few days, has an answer in the book. The feedback of hundred of pupils around the world gave Yogani the knowledge to develop a firm, easy and direct path to live in ecstasy.

As a yoga teacher in Mexico I use these teachings in my yoga and tantra classes.

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AYP - a must have for all levels of practice, February 20, 2005
Reviewer: Lilia Petkova (Budapest, Hungary) - See all my reviews

'Advanced Yoga Practices' is a very practical and simple guidebook that can help anyone build an effective yoga routine. It teaches yoga in a way that is unintimidating (everything is explained clearly and simply) and informative. It is perfect for busy people who cannot spare hours for yoga but at the same time, ironically, are most in need of its effects: increased energy levels, improved health and memory, peace of mind and plain ol' joy of life often lost in everyday struggles. What you will learn from this book is how to do yoga in the time you have available for it in a way that maximizes its benefits. More advanced yoga students will understand better some very advanced techniques and probably will be tempted to try out new exercises with far-reaching effects.
Using the methods in 'Advanced Yoga Practices' I was able to reduce my eye-strain that was causing me significant problems and improve my eyesight and energy level. I am really sorry this book was not with me many years ago and that I only recently started to benefit from this knowledge.

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Meditation For This Millenium & Beyond, February 20, 2005
Reviewer: Georgia Viktoria Weinkauf (Athens, Greece) - See all my reviews

I can clearly say Yogani's book IS THE SINGLE,MOST INFORMATIVE,
Helpful, TO THE Point,AND WORTHY ADVICE On Meditation, AND, OH, SO much More,
Yogani, has, single-handidly ADDED A DIMENSION(the 5th!)
TO my Spiritual Practice, by helping me in re-suming twice-daily
meditation. Before, when I practiced meditation, I never reached past alpha stage relaxation! Now, with such EASE, I slip into a SEA of BLISS and EXTASCY!!! As a Yoga Teacher I want to spread the word of this Marvelous book, I only wish I could order 10-20 copies for my own students!

Thank you, Yogani!

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The book that changed my life, February 19, 2005

Reviewer: nearoanoke (California, USA) - See all my reviews

This book is originally an online series of lessons as a yahoo group which I came across at this crucial juncture of my life and it has been the TURNING POINT of my life.

I was like any other common individual with doubts about the truth of the spiritual life doubting whether it is REAL or not. I wasn't sure how to clarify this given the fact that I am regular software professional with 9-5 job and no time to go and search for sages/rishis who would clarify my doubts. I couldn't even leave my regular life for a monastic life either because I didnt know whether it was REAL or not. Even if I go search and find some sage, how would I be assured that he is speaking the truth? Could I question him? Would such a learned person answer my ignorant questions not to mention whether he would have time do so or not. And there is the risk that such spiritual knowledge can be diluted with meaningless religious myths created by some selfish gurus who want dominance. In this confused state what is the solution for a normal person like me? How would I know the truth?

Finally the light came in the form of Yogani (the author of this book) and his online lessons. I just can't describe my happiness after I found these lessons. Each and every doubt that I had from childhood about life, god, spirituality has been clarified and still there is a lot I am learning everyday from this great person. This book is a replica of those online lessons with lot more knowledge added to it and written in a detailed form. I am generally the kind of individual who doesn't accept anything if I don't see the proper reason behind it. I promise you that you will never be disappointed with these lessons in this book and the wonderful way they have been put together (without any religious prejudices and with an open-to-question truth).

This book will change your life. It has changed my life and it will surely change yours. It is worth its weight in gold. The money you spend in buying the book also will go to charity and useful purpose which is all the more reason to buy it. Dont miss this book. I am indebted to yogani forever for this book and lessons. Thank you.

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A rare & deep insightful teachings on advanced yoga!, January 7, 2005

Reviewer: Najla Bose "aum" (Los Angeles) - See all my reviews

Yogani's teachings are a blessing to those wanting to learn the higher secretive forms of yoga that is seldom taught even in India. The teachings manage to capture in words, the deeper tantric wisdom.
As a yogi who lived in India with the Siddhar Sages, practicing these advanced forms of yoga, I was so pleasantly surprised to read Yogani's teachings that was so illustrative of the techniques that I could not find words for.
These invaluable teachings from Yogani is a gift of the ancient Sages to the world! Yogani has not only brought in words the techniques and the insights behind it, but has also built up the teachings on a foundation of sound principles of safety that can be utilized by even those starting a yogic practice.

Good luck and blessings to all on this path into Light! AUM

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The Secrets of Wilder - A Novel
By Yogani         ISBN 0976465515, June 2005, 236 pages, Retail $19.95

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Very inspiring and spiritually uplifting!, February 10, 2006
Reviewer: weaver (USA) - See all my reviews

The Secrets of Wilder is a moving story about a young American athlete John Wilder who, together with his high-school sweet-heart Devi, is willing to pay any price to find God. In doing so he learns and applies spiritual practices, experiments a lot on himself, and finds gradually that he moves toward his goal. How he reaches it is depicted very beautifully in the end, but I will leave that secret to be found out by the reader.

We get to follow all the details in the drama of how the spiritual transformation affects the relationship with love and sex between the two, and also how they have to stand up against those who don't share their vision. But it's not just about 2 people, we also get to know what happens for example to John's brother, who has a completely different view of life, and what are the ultimate consequences of the choices he makes.

In addition to the story being a very exciting read in itself, the book is more than a novel, in that it also describes most of the advanced yoga practices in detail as they are applied in the context, and I found much value in this as well. What I also found very inspiring was reading about how the people experienced the effects of their spiritual practices, even though these can vary between individuals. The author Yogani calls this "scenery" along the way to enlightenment.

I see this book as a very good complement to Yogani's 2 other publications, "Advanced Yoga Practices" and "Deep Meditation - Pathway to Personal Freedom".

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Excellent!, November 15, 2005
Reviewer: Kyle Bairdsen "Kyle Bairdsen" (Columbia, SC USA) - See all my reviews

This book reminds me of "A Stranger in a Strange Land" but instead of the protagonist offering vague philosophies that are impossible to embody, this book offers specific transformative practices. So read this book first! :o)

I have studied a number of contemplative and meditative traditions for 19 years and I really believe that this book along with Yogani's "Advanced Yoga Practices" offers a new level of understanding that was not available even just a few years ago.

If you are deciding which one to start with, I'd recommend "Secrets of Wilder" as the storyline helps put these ancient practices together in the context of the modern world.

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completely unique, August 28, 2005

Reviewer: David Obsidian (USA) - See all my reviews

The author, Yogani, has created an amazingly efficacious set of yoga practices tying together the best, and only the best, from several millennia of fragmented, half-secret, mostly misunderstood and highly esoteric practices into a bundle as clear, simple, and understandable as a nursery rhyme. Several thousand people who'd previously felt more or less stagnant in other practices are quickly experiencing levels of peace and bliss they'd previously scarcely imagined. The Advanced Yoga Practices book outlines the specifics in meticulous and, easily
readable and digestible detail.

For those new to any sort of spiritual practice (and also as fun and pleasure for those who are already familiar), The Secrets of Wilder presents this deep and potent practice completely free of any Eastern terminology, and within an adventure/love story!!! Spoonfuls of sugar to help the medicine go down and attract a wider set to these practices, so more people can drop their stress, anger, and aggression.

Speaking of medicine and the need for sugar, Yogani is a mild-mannered man and polite, but when it comes to the business of smashing taboos which need to be smashed, and exposing secret knowledge which needs to be known, he becomes as decisive and unsparing as `The Terminator' --- he has pulled out all the stops in presenting the best, advanced yoga practices which are normally kept secret --- and he has spared nothing in showing the connection between sex and the sacred processes of enlightenment.

I give it five stars in its genre, and in many ways, it is in a genre of its own. Those uninterested in a spiritual message, or in enlightenment, would probably not give it five stars, but perhaps some would, because Yogani has a knack for making you turn the pages. Its closest genre is that of books such as Jonathan Livingstone Seagull, Celestine Prophesy, Siddhartha, and Way of the Peaceful Warrior; in a way similar to these books, Yogani has wrapped his spiritual message in a story which has the human appeal of mystery, love and adventure. In a very clever way, he uses the unfolding of the mystery of the enlightenment process as a motivation for turning the page. But he has done something though that the authors of these other novels have not done --- he has exposed the enlightenment process as it is, and taught ways to access it.

The book is set in the Christian tradition - but those who are wary of dogmaticism and orthodoxy have nothing at all to fear. In fact the novel may help to bridge a gap between the narrower forms of Christianity and the more expansive roots of the Christian religion. It may help bridge the gap in some people's minds between Christianity (whether it is their own religion or not) and Yoga and all other religions, and help people to understand what Buddha, Jesus and Krishna have in common.

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

Capable to change your life!, August 25, 2005

Reviewer: Raul Vecchione "Raul V" (Venezuela) - See all my reviews

This is a spectacular success of Yogani. An exciting novel that deals with the inner power inside all of us. The secrets of a young American who gave his life for research simples ways to reach our inner silence and bliss, told in several chapters of his achievements and experiences. The chapters of the novel are intercut with detailed practices you could try yourself and get impressed with what these secrets are about.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

Not just a novel., August 3, 2005

Reviewer: nina "nina" (Florida) - See all my reviews

I am the target audience for this novel being that I am in my early mid 20's. This truly was a spiritually inspirational story. It truly put meditation into perspective for me. I highly recommend it. I couldn't put it down wondering what was going to happen next. If you loved this book I recommend reading Advanced Yoga Practices also by Yogani.

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

Spirtually uplifting, July 31, 2005

Reviewer: A - See all my reviews

Overall, I have no problem with telling potential readers that I loved the "Secrets of Wilder" and found parts of it deeply touching. In fact, from page 120 onwards, it pretty much became a page turner for me and I read from page 180 to the end in one sitting, which is the mark of only the most enjoyable of books for me.

The beginning was the only reason I couldn't give "Secrets of Wilder" 5 out of 5 stars. I found the beginning a little rough going and not up to the high standards set later on as the story unfolds. I actually feel that if it had begun the way it ended, it would have been in the class of Richard Bach's Illusions or Jonathan Livingston Seagull for me which are two of my favorite spiritual stories of all time.

Overall, I highly recommend "secrets of Wilder" as a great and inspiring read that takes the reader into unchartered spiritual waters.


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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:

A Must Read, July 26, 2005

Reviewer: Melissa Myers MD (USA) - See all my reviews

Leaning somewhat more on the practical side of the pendulum, I usually do not indulge in fiction literature. THE SECRETS OF WILDER is a most worthy exception to my regular routine and I highly recommend this most delightful love adventure for those who themselves are on a spiritual journey. If you are one who practices AYP, or any form of yoga, there is much you will be able to directly relate to in this novel. Even for those who are not yogis and yoginis, this novel is a real treat - a love story not only between two soulmates, but a love story of one man whose life's work and passion encompasses the entire planet!

From the beginning of the book there is adventure after adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat eagerly awaiting the next outcome. I, along with thousands around the world, are blessed to be able to share a touch of the author's love and wisdom through his writing. Yogani, you've done it yet again! Thank you!

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:

Detailed Jouney Through the Life of a Spiritual Seeker, July 26, 2005

Reviewer: Lucid Interval (Phoenix, Arizona) - See all my reviews

Wow! This book is fabulous. Hidden treasures galore. This book bridges the gaps in my understanding of the yogic process and is very worthy of hardback status for longevity. It is amazing that this paperback reveals so much detail and information of ancient secret yogic practices that many of us have searched years to acquire. My bhakti is stronger than ever!

Yogani really has generously given so much through his Advanced Yogic Practice work. This book really conveys many of the struggles and victories along the AYP way.

I cannot say enough about this book! Read on!

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

Priceless Spiritual Love Story That Offers Unique Spiritual Exercises, July 18, 2005

Reviewer: Ramn Sender Barayn (http://www.raysender.com) (San Francisco, CA USA) - See all my reviews

This book should not be missed by anyone who is interested in their own spiritual evolution - or, for that matter, in the spiritual evolution of our planet. Framed within a cosmic love story that begins with the protagonists in high school, it encompasses a wide panorama of meditative teachings that can be applied easily both by young adults and by oldsters already set in their ways - such as me. Beautifully and sensitively written, I cannot imagine anyone coming away from its pages without having learned something profoundly new about themselves. When I finished reading the last page of the story, tears came to my eyes and a strong yearning overcame me. "So may it be," I said aloud. "So may it come to pass for all of us."

How often does a book appear without anyone knowing who the author is? We have no photo, no list of achievements on the back cover, and I don't think we are going to see Yogani on the morning talk shows. Despite the amazing success of the Advanced Yoga Practices online list that drew more than seven thousand subscribers and now has its own website and forums (and also now as the book "Advanced Yoga Practices"), Yogani protects his anonymity. We are told nothing about the originator of this extraordinary novel other than in the brief biographical note at the end: `Yogani is an American spiritual scientist who, for more than thirty years, has been integrating ancient spiritual techniques from around the world that cultivate human spiritual transformation. The approach he has developed is non-sectarian and open to all."

Again I repeat, "Don't miss this book." I am buying extra copies for my three sons and close friends. And if they find the exercises launch them into deeper levels of spirit, they - and you - can move on to the "Advanced Yoga Practices" book itself. Yogani promises us that more is forthcoming. I, for one, can't wait!

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